>> If the country is fundamentally conservative, how did Obama get elected?
First ... neither candidate was truly conservative — so, when there’s no conservative on the ballot, the country is forced to sift through rhetoric.
But both candidates displayed conservative rhetoric throughout. Obama spoke incessantly about tax cuts, attacked McCain’s healthcare plan as a tax increase, and spoke of renewing efforts for victory in Afghanistan.
I believe this was a repudiation of Bush’s “big-government conservatism”. People expected Reagan conservatism when they elected Bush ... and domestically, they didn’t get it. Therefore, they don’t trust Republicans. A majority believed there would be tax increases under both Obama and McCain. It is clear there would be spending increases under both Obama and McCain.
Bottom line — conservatism wins elections. Even liberals try to paint themselves as conservatives when voting time rolls around. By running a moderate, we didn’t take advantage of that.
Yep, just like President Goldwater would agree. And so would all of those "true conservatives" who got re-elected in '06, those sitting Senators Allen, Talent, Burns, Santorum, Congressman Hays, etc.