The fix is in. IT’s obvious McCain doesn’t want to win. He had an opportunity right up front to bring up Raines and company but he passed. Then he said a man who supports Obama would make a good treasury secretary. It’s painful to watch.
I’m back to believing there’s a shadow government who picks the president. How else could you explain this crap?
Remind me which of these candidates is the Republican. McCain is going to bail out the homeowners and appoint Warren Buffet as Treasury Secretary. Wow, he’s really “mavericky”.
Painful. He deserves to lose. It’s too bad he didn’t follow his campaign motto and put “country first”. He should change his banner to “bipartisan first”.
McCain played nice on the Fannie Mae issue and said “some of us” instead of naming Barack by name. Then, Obama named McCain repeatedly and turned it around on him. McCain is just too “nice” and “bipartisan”. God help us if Barack beats McCain tonight on the debate.
Obama just said.....” a lot of you probably remember 9-11” -
Wow....Just wow....
McCain is also flubbing his words repeatedly. He just said Obama “approved” of reprocessing nuclear fuel. He meant “opposed” but, of course, screwed it up. He is making repeated mistakes which show he is either tired or nervous. He has a few talking points he’s repeating endlessly and he prefaces everything with “my friends.”