I am about an hour from where I was born..I had no idea I would be back close to my roots.
When we bought our first house in the 50s in a then small suburb of Dallas..our church was one built around 1890..wooden and charming..until cold winter winds hit and feet turned to blocks of ice..Charm has its drawbacks.
**Charm has its drawbacks.**
LOL Been there, done that. Grew up poor, on a farm in southern Ohio. I’ve done the oil heater in one room thing, and I’ve done the outhouse thing, and I’ve done the pump water/well goes dry every summer thing and as long as I’ve got money and there’s electricity, I’m going to have heat and ac and instant hot water!
Speaking of old churches, the one I attend is 110 years old and the sanctuary is just beautiful. My youngest son was married there....(that marriage failed after 9-10 years, I’m sorry to say). Things happen though beyond our control. He has been single many years now but has a beautiful girlfriend.