I would like to see just when coyote ever does science, cant find any science for coyote here.
I keep hearing how science must be kept pure from religion and how God must be sterlized out of the discussion, and yet, when you point out science doesn’t and can’t coherently “care” about God one way or another, we always circle back to the disbelief cult as the “only” scientific starting point as if this is the neutral position of science.
It’s as if it’s not atheism or theism but the begin point is now anti-theism.
Science has been hijacked by algore and other angry at God liberals.
So even when that’s debunked and you point out actual scientists DO dissent from their cult of disbelief...well that’s not good enough either.
Then comes the “we’re just gonna be another Christian Iran...or here comes the 2nd Inquisition” lunacy, just as sure as the sun will rise.
Rush Limbaugh is right, these people simply need to be defeated. THEN we can sit them down on the couch and try to unwind their psychoses!
Liberalism is a disease.