Is the Chief arguing for all Americans to have an equal chance to own a Casino? I’m still listening to Jason Lewis, but running CSPAN on mute
CSPAN: Cheif’s pal
“war represent the cooperate interest of America”
“take Indian peoples resources” (to fund the wars)
Unknown Hostess “signs up front, if you want a sign there are plenty more”
Teamster is next
CSPAN: Teamster
“right that we challenge this republican agenda”
3 reasons “we pay, we die, it’s just not right”
“health care for everyone”
“Employee free choice act” to join Unions
“fair trade bring people of the world up to our level, not bring ours down to theirs”
“war is spending billions of dollars to destroy bridges” derogatory comment to Mn Gov Pawlenty
“no more of the same, down with John McCain”
[These guys don’t know Obama’s war agenda is Bush’s carbon copy]
“criminal neglect”
“new wars”[on Georgia?, these folks are uninformed]
“1/3 of our youths won’t graduate, it’s a crime”
“could rebuild the levees a crime and an outrage”
“the only force able to stop the war” the people angry
“the two war parties”
“empire that needs endless war and racism, feeds off bigotry”
“Troops out now” [not one of these chants at the end has any momentum]
639 jackson street[next place to raid for urine and feces]