My kitty Silky si doing so well with the the kittens..She really did play surrogate mom to the 5 now grown cats that were left by a feral mom in my daughter’s compost heap..They were a week old and I was there..helping bottle feed them and tending to their needs..Silky was great with the kittens I am not surprised that she is tolerating them..and even playing with the youngest at times.
My daughter is worried about my house..and my things..I’ll put away what I must..cover the sofa(The other kittens used it like a scatching post one weekend when they visited 2 years ago. None of us saw them in the act..but the results were clear..I draped a throw over the the worst end..and trimmed the threads.
Kitties are more daily fun than decor. I think Silky and I will both be glad to have the fun.
The baby is by my climbing on the keyboard.
Cats can make you laugh. Even when my son’s cat would come to visit me when he was out of town, she was 16 and sick, but she would take a cute spell and play. It made me happy and I was sad, too, because we knew her days were short.
I still think of her with love and she only stayed with me on occasion! They capture your heart very quickly.