And those most enthusiastic about hurling such invective will have only themselves to blame when it backfires.
There are few things more satisfying to see in politics than watching the enemy being hoisted on their own petard.
John Kerry legitimized the swiftboat attacks by making his dubious Viet Nam service the centerpiece of his campaign.
Obama legitimized the Rev. Wright rants by making race the centerpiece of his campaign.
And the barking moonbats who hate Mormons so bad that they think they should all be relegated to second class citizenship (at minimum) may end up nominating Mitt Romney after all.
“John Kerry legitimized the swiftboat attacks by making his dubious Viet Nam service the centerpiece of his campaign.”
And we’re still waiting on that 100 pages of his service record he’s promised to release quite a few times.
“John Kerry legitimized the swiftboat attacks by making his dubious Viet Nam service the centerpiece of his campaign.”
And we’re still waiting on that 100 pages of his service record he’s promised to release quite a few times.