Ultimately, these two stocks are going to zero. They are in much worse shape than any gov’t liar has said so far. Far better to short Wachovia for a short term speculation. They are the next one to go down.
Buy Silver. SLV or SLW.
I agree... The Fed does not have much ammo left and will talk big but, if anyone in Freddie & Fannie is saved, it will be the bondholders! Unfortunately a huge percentage of those bondholders are overseas!
Gotta protect the foreign investors in US fixed income debt (particularly anything governmental or quasi-governmental..., in other words, the GSE debt!!!)
While not explicitly backed by the "full faith and credit...", those GSEs have, since their inception, had an implicit guarantee (so long as the Fed itself has the ability to fulfill...?)
A financial trainwreck in slow motion!!!