The Word of God says that marriage requires the ability of each spouse to partake in the unitive aspect of the sacrament, at minimum.
The bishop is merely passing the Word along.
It could also be argued, the clergy only claim to speak for God. There is no proof they are in direct communication with God.
What I believe God wants from me, is for me to be kind to people. So, I listen, but I don’t criticize people.
The claim was not that they were in "direct communication with God" in some way other than prayer (I assume you did not mean prayer, but an actual theophanic dialogue).
The claim was that Christ revealed His truth to His Church, that the Holy Spirit at Pentecost confirmed and strengthened the Church in His truth and that the Church's immemorial teaching derives from Christ's revelation preserved in the Church by the Holy Spirit as Christ Himself promised.
What I believe God wants from me, is for me to be kind to people.
And, in your opinion, it is always kind to tell people what they want to hear rather than telling them the truth?