My brother has a phobia or something? about the dentist. He says he almost pulls the arms off the chair. He also jumped up and left one dentist office as he kept telling her she was hurting him and she kept on so he got up and got out of there. And I seem to remember one dentist told him they couldn’t work on him when they found out how scared he this is from a great big man, who has had triple by pass surgery, several stomach operations and recently had one of those heart things put in (like Dick Cheney’s apparatus). I know what its called but at the moment I can’t think. Its more than a pace maker!
That sounds a lot like my husband. I don't know if he has a phobia or not, but he sure agonizes over going to the dentist. The sedation dentistry works really great for people like him.
I don't know what it is about dentists that cause so many people so much anxiety, but I sure do sympathize with people who have this phobia.