Courtesy of Grand Theft Auto III:
Lazlow: “Hello caller, you are on the air. Are you sane!?! Eh-heh...are you a sane caller?!?”
Caller: “Absolutely Lazlow. Killer bees!”
Lazlow: “K..killer bees!?”
Caller: “Yes, killer bees! Did you know that the current migration north continues, we will all be dead in 3 years?!? Do you want to become a bee’s supper?!? I don’t! That’s why we must act now!!! Killer bees must be stopped!”
Lazlow: “I wonder why more people aren’t talking about this, I mean, killer bees swarming, and it sounds pretty serious!”
Caller: “Aah...but the killer bees are nothing compared to ants! You can’t kill them! They are like sheep, they are going to take over!!”
Lazlow: “Alright, thanks caller.”
. . .
Caller: “Hey Lazlow. That last guy was a lunatic! Where’d you dig him up from, the state loony bin? And that wacko you had going on about killer bees - what a moron!! I mean...just read a newspaper! Killer bees, er..the evils of artificial sweeteners in soda pops,’s all part of the governments propaganda plan! I might as well wear a satellite dish so they can beam their propaganda right into my brain! C’mon, do you honestly believe the NSA’s Echelon system isn’t already reading your e-mails and recording your phone conversations? It’s all designed to frighten us so we don’t complain about our rights being taken way and fighting whatever boogie-men they come up with today!”
Lazlow: “ realize that the government listens to this station and if they weren’t playing particular attention to you before, they’re probably gonna be following you now!”
Caller: “Oh yeah! L..look they already got me once! But n-e-ver again!”
ROFLOL.....didn’t know the video game producers were as funny as that. Somehow when I read that, the voices I heard reciting the dialog were Cheech and Chong.