Hitler would be envious...
Can this be happening in the United States? What comes next - any student who declines to become retrained hauled off to the gulag?
This is chilling - This school actually needs to be closed down and the powers that be all expelled.
I still can’t really grasp this - the cold wind of Socialism/Communism is grasping this country.
Where are the parents/alumni on this? Have they gotten so far that the students -= who are being, it sounds to me, threatened on a one-on-one basis - so cowed that they don't dare rise up?
In the meantime, we should all email this head thug: "Sieg Heil!"
Can this be happening in the United States?
Are you kidding? Look on the FIRE website. There are many examples.
The ire of even a liberal to allow this to their child. Close the school down? 1st grab the people involved & purchase some rope.
“Can this be happening in the United States?”
Unfortunately, yes. The inevitable civil war has just become more inevitable.
Gear it up, folks, because the shit is getting ready to hit the fan. God help us.
...”ideological reeducation that is referred to in the universitys own materials as a treatment for students incorrect attitudes and beliefs.”
Who determines correctness? Not one’s self, not one’s family values, not even one’s friends and neighbors influence. No, radical Socialist Educrats who are creating a Elitist Utopia for themselves with Herself the First as Queen for Life. And this is all paid for with your and my tax dollars.
We should all sue, but it won’t do any good.