I saw one hurricane model this morning that has this turning into Hurricane dean and following the path of 1998’s Hurricane Georges. Across the north coast of Puerto Rico and Cuba and then across the Florida Keys and on up to Mobile, Alabama.
I live in the Lower Florida Keys, right where Georges stalled offshore in 1998 and pounded us for 18 hours. Don’t wish to see a repeat of that.
Just thanks.
I don't know if a hurricane sounds all that bad at present if it'll disrupt the heat and drought we have presently. It is unbelieveably hot here.
I’m going to Puerto Rico from Aug. 14-17... the storm might be reaching the Lesser Antilles by Fri., 8/17, which means that American Airlines might cancel my return flight to Baltimore... AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, where is the link for that model. Thnx