I am going by the parents going to the media/MSM and advertising this all over the world—they are playing up the ‘victim’ aspect—yes, I would like to hear all sides. If it turns out like I postulated a few posts ago, the teacher/s are whacked out moonbats, I’ll side with the parents. If it turns out my suppositions are true based on my personal experiences as a teacher, then I’ll stand on my posts. The parents are equally responsible for their child’s behavior and misbehavior.
As far as insulting me with ‘righteous indignation’, may I have your teaching credentials too, please? Thanks. I’m finding the bigotry against ALL teachers here at FR a bit disgusting, frankly.
No insult meant by righteous indignation. And I stand up for teachers too, where warranted. You stand by your posts and I’ll stand by mine.
I have no teaching credentials, but you’ve not raised children through beyond first grade. Let’s talk after you’ve been to a dozen or so of these “awards ceremonies”.