Further kookiness from these fruits, math is a numerical representation of nature, simply collecting and displaying that which happens naturally and is already there, while software is something that is developed for a purpose and has unique characteristics provided by the auhtor. These guys have been cloning other people's work and giving it away for free for years, now it looks like they may finally have to answer for it. The latest news: MS refuses to reveal which of its patents are supposedly being violated in Linux. Makes me still happier that, after a long career in the Windows world, I went Mac three years ago. When a company stops innovating and starts suing, it's time to move on.
MS refuses to reveal which of its patents are supposedly being violated in Linux. Other studies have been done, that showed close to 300 potential violations in the Linux kernel alone.
I went Mac three years ago.
Smart move steering clear of Linux, Apple is a US company and a technically better product too.