You are again evading the point. Vista was designed to work a lot like VMS, a proprietary operating system, by former DEC employees who took their knowledge with them. Linux was designed to openly published standards for UNIX-like interoperability. So which one is the copy?
Then there's of course QDOS, which was basically an 8086 port of CP/M, but not done by DRI, the owner of CP/M. After Microsoft licensed this blatant copy, they hired away the guy who developed it from his company to port it again to the 8088 so they could call it MS-DOS. That's not a copy?
Just because Clinton removed export controls on software doesn't mean they shouldn't exist.
They exist for everyone or no one. Somebody writing software covered by ITAR would have it blocked whether it was for proprietary or free software. BTW, ITAR hurt our software industry the most, since they lost competitiveness in foreign markets due to having to sell downgraded systems overseas while local foreign companies were making fully-capable systems. This was especially true for anything using public cryptography since software developers all over the world knew how to implement it and could sell their products based on it (but we couldn't).
Not. This article is about Microsoft gearing up to squash a smaller competitor through patents.
Obviously Linux. It is a near exact foreign clone of a US product. It has spawned many other foreign clones of US products such as "Red Flag" in China. They call them "distos", and there are hundreds of them across the globe, all designed to duplicate US Unix, but without a dime back to the US.
This article is about Microsoft gearing up to squash a smaller competitor through patents.
Be the first time, but this is no small competitor, it's a worldwide gang of leftists including foreign governments that is behind much of the push for open source software. It's a testament to the quality of Microsoft's product they've been able to hold on to 90% of the market, when they are literally being assaulted by not only software pirates but these open sourcers around the world who have entire governments attempting to standardize on it, out of their pure hatred of the US leadership position in software.
You have to admire American billionaires like Bill Gates and Larry Ellison who have taken the best shots the communists and extreme leftists worldwide have dished out, with all the piracy and copyleft software, and still hold their ground. Actually on the offensive now, it appears, even China is agreeing to enforce software laws and is paying US software companies record amounts for software, something long overdue. Good for us, I support American corporations over leftist radicals and communist cloners any day of the week.