See here's the thing about cookie jars: they go on the counter. Some of us don't like stuff cluttering up our countertops. I don't even have a set of canisters on the counter. Altho, i've been considering getting some for purely aesthetic reasons, but can't find any i like. (oh no, we really have hit rock bottom now, sorry!)
Counters? You got counters? I thought that was just to collect all your husbands junk. LOLL We had a special cabinet installed in the kitchen so he could put all his hunting etc cra... errrr, stuff in/on and what does he do? You guessed it.
oh no no no no...the cookie jar, goes on the kitchen table ! leaving the counters clean and pristine, for the rest of the family to leave homework, mail, keys, screwdrivers, forgotten sodas, coffee cups, hermit crabs and assorted other family-mess that magically appear - lolol