you know in some pictures she really does resemble Marilyn. blueplum wasn’t it you who posted the blood lines showed they were cousins? I think you should send that to Greta and maybe Nancy Grace.. no one mentions it and I think it’s really interesting..
**blueplum wasnt it you who posted the blood lines showed they were cousins?
Yes. there’s an entry at the website ‘’ that claims that Anna was Marilyn’s third cousin, twice removed.
Can’t recall if it’s rt66 or stl that is the geneologist here? can either confirm the data?
If ya’ll don’t mind, I prefer to maintain my anonymity, after all, i’m just a lowly underpaid research assistant dontchaknow, lol, so if someone else wants to send the info on to the talking heads, that’s fine with me. (smile)
here’s the link:
here’s the entry:
page four, march 16th entry
“Anna Nicole Smith and Marilyn Monroe were third cousins, twice removed.
Monroe’s mother was Gladys Pearl Monroe, the daughter of Otis Monroe and Della Hogan. Della was the daughter of Tilford Marion Hogan. Anna Nicole’s great-great-great grandpa was Tilford’s brother, John Hogan. They are the sons of George Hogan and Sarah Owens who lived near Quincy, Adams County, Illinois.
another fan (Quincy, IL) “