does this mean, that HK was in court pursuing the Marshall action as early as March 30th? would the Ninth Court arbitrarily take this action independently??
page 40 asks that the ‘special administrator’ be given permission to ‘maintain’ the studio city house (which means no plans to sell the house is in the future)
on page 42 of 44, Rale is saying that Stern is asking to be appointed Special Administrator (in addition to executor), and that, apparently, Whalen (LB’s attorney) have no objections to this arrangement as confirmed in a telephone conversation of May 10, 07......
also on page 42, it states that ‘currently there exists no one who can act on behalf of the estate’
on page 44, HK says he wants no fees (but he’s obviously wanting to be involved in DL’s life for the next 25-35 years !)
I guess we know now, what LB and HK and Rale have been up to since May 2!!
But, what I don’t understand is, if they are going to present a void will as valid, then DL would specifically be excluded as written out of the will! and Anna’s estate, (what they haven’t hidden) would then go to the estate of Daniel, and, by proxy, Daniel’s father. If they are going to attempt to ‘rewrite’ the will, then why can’t HK also, be ‘rewritten’ OUT ?
Why does LB have no objections to HK being executor??????????? Maybe it’s just me, but if someone was around for the rather ‘odd’ deaths of two of my close relatives, I wouldn’t want that person around my daughter at all, just on ‘jinxed factor’ !! I’ts not like LB and HK are life-long buddies - they’ve only known each other for 2 years, according to both of them, and 90% of that time was, according to both of them, ‘contentious’ to say the least!
link for reference 44pgs