This is what we're facing in our Governor's race in Iowa:
The Gazette 10/27/2006, Page B05
Fox plans to attend Culver campaign rally
DES MOINES Michael J. Fox will visit Des Moines next week to campaign for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chet Culver and promote stemcell research, according to the actors aides.
Fox, who suffers from Parkinsons disease, is scheduled to appear Monday afternoon at a campaign rally at Drake University with Culver.
Fox supports Culvers call for lifting a state ban on a type of embryonic stem-cell research and establishing a University of Iowa institute to find cures to diseases, Fox spokeswoman Tricia Brooks said.
Fox, who made his bout with Parkinsons public in 1998, began weighing into the politics of e m b r y o n i c stem cell research in recent weeks. He c a m p a i g n e d this month for Democrat Gov. James Doyles re- election campaign in Wisconsin and Democrat Claire McKaskills U.S. Senate bid in Missouri. Jim Nussle, the Republican candidate for governor, supports research on stem cells from adult tissue and on blood from umbilical cords. He opposes all forms of embryonic stem-cell research.|TPG1005
Voters should be made aware that
1. Embryonic stem cell research has not resulted in ANY cures for any disease, BUT adult cell research HAS resulted in curative treatments.
2. Scientists are not forbidden to conduct embryonic stem cell research, but Fox and the dem candidates he endorses want the government/taxpayers to pay for it.
People who want embryonic stem cell research to go on, are those "alive" and to heck with the tri-mester children and the abortion babies. They are just useful tools for those with diseases they THINK babie's cells can cure.