I smelled a rat the first time I heard about the so-called rape. Twenty-four posts later, I can?t believe people still think three white Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a black stripper in a small bathroom during a party, despite overwhelming evidence that she made up the whole thing. Now that her gang-rape fantasies are ruining innocent lives, it's time she sought professional help.
McElroy states the obvious: the presumption of guilt has been reversed in this case. Durham Country DA Mike Nifong made it clear from the beginning that he thought the stripper-accuser was gang-raped in that house by lacrosse players. He race-pandered and campaigned when he should have been doing his job and keeping in mind certain legal ethics. Nifong's only redeeming quality is that he isn't as clueless as he looks. He knows he should have kept his mouth shut. [end excerpt],3566,214584,00.html
Accused Denied Due Process in Duke Lacrosse Case?
Tuesday , September 19, 2006
By Wendy McElroy
Do the principles of justice still operate in American courtrooms? [end excerpt]
No 60 Minutes story on DukeLax this Sunday...