Dear Dr. Miller,
In the August 30, 2006 Herald Sun article entitled "Attorney: Date-rape drug test negative in lacrosse case" by William F West, you were quoted as saying:
"Negative results, he said, don't necessarily mean no substances were used. That's because some drugs can wash out of the body quickly, he said, also citing the importance of the timing of the test."
However, the test discussed in the article was from a hair sample:
"A date-rape drug test reportedly involving a hair sample of the alleged Duke lacrosse victim has turned up negative, one of the defense attorneys said Wednesday."
1. Do drugs wash out of a hair sample quickly?
2. Were you referring to urine tests, rather than hair tests with your comments?
3. Does a negative result on a hair sample tested a month after a supposed ingestion of a date-rape drug mean no substance was used?
Excellent e-mail, we will all be interested in any reply you get.
Great! Looking forward to a reply