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To: maggief

You have got to be kidding! I didn't see that. She referred to Elmo as a "lowly cabbie"? Good grief. She may been hard-wired to think PC, but she sure doesn't show it in her references to people. Of course, since Elmo is a defense witness, she probably considers him fair game.

Despicable witch.

327 posted on 08/31/2006 1:51:00 AM PDT by Jezebelle (Our tax dollars are paying the ACLU to sue the Christ out of us.)
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To: Jezebelle
Of course, since Elmo is a defense witness, she probably considers him fair game

Well, the PC double standard lets the pot-bangers choose which acts are bad, and which we should ignore.

Let's sum up the Duke case - the boys drank, hire a stripper, and when they were ripped off, used the N-word.

So destroying them is OK - they probably had it coming the pot-bangers figure.

But wasn't there a woman's team that hired some male strippers for a party? Wasn't the penalty just a suspension, or something? And the N-word - it's OK if the BALD cop says it - because he is trying to railroad these guys. It's like the double standard the pot-bangers had with Clinton.

And why hasn't the N&O thoroughly investigated the Blinco's incident? Because they are pot-bangers too. They don't think it's a big deal if their guy - a COP does it. It's only bad if a white male "privileged" college students does it. And if he does they are happy to "go berserk" and destroy every white male with in reach

380 posted on 08/31/2006 7:32:17 AM PDT by Fido969 ("The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax." - Albert Einstein)
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