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Here's a Checklist for the FEDERAL INVESTIGATOR:

He said they probably used condoms

He demonstrated that Choke Hold

He said they stole her money and it was left laying right there on the floor - consistent with her story.

He said DNA would Identify the perpetrators and exculpate the innocent.

He read Medical reports that hadn't been compiled or printed.

Affidavits stated the Medical reports documented injuries that are not in the Medical reports.

He said the players didn't cooperate

He said they didn't know who made the first 911 call.

His office said the woman never changed her story.

He ordered a ID lineup that violated every rule on the subject.

He refused to look at exculpatory evidence provided by the player's lawyer.

He made more prejudicial statements than any D.A. in modern history.

He gave Kim a big break and rewarded her with a deal when she stole $ 25,000.00 but went after the Cabbie for driving someone that stole 250 bucks.

He and/or his investigators neglected to tell Judges of major problems with the case in order to garner court approvals. Felonious strangulation and common law robbery were also cited on those documents submitted to the court - and those charges have vanished into the ether.

He pursued a lacrosse player on a noise violation, which a Judge threw out and questioned why the courts were being used in that fashion.

There's no reason to believe the list of attrocities won't grow either.

321 posted on 08/31/2006 12:33:03 AM PDT by Mike Nifong (Somebody Stop Me !)
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^^^^^^^^^^^ NIFONG IN MORE TROUBLE ? ^^^^^^^^^^^

Gottlieb was looking for a lab to do testing on 4/27 in his handwritten notes, but - get this - Nifong leads the Newsweek reporter to believe that he had tests showing she had a Date Rape Drug in her system before 4/24, when this piece was printed in Newsweek:

"In the May 1 issue of Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, April 24): "Sex, Lies & Duke." Newsweek reports on the Duke rape investigation and examines what could be potentially complicated motives of all those involved."

Par for the course. Nifong makes a statement and misleads the public, and then the team rushes off to make the boss's statement true. Just like the Indictments. With the last meeting of Grand Jury rapidly approaching, Nifong signs the indictment of Seligmann and Finnerty on April 12th, then on the night of April 13th - they enter the Duke Dorms to question players, without their legal counsel, in regard to who was at the Party?

See how this case has been run from the beginning!

There is no search for the truth - damn the laws and the innocent pawns that are sacrificed for political gain.

Justice will prevail. Our way of life will be preserved - and the faces of those responsible will convey their pain as they ambulate in jumpsuits.


322 posted on 08/31/2006 1:10:24 AM PDT by Mike Nifong (Somebody Stop Me !)
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