>>>Danielle Van Damm, another child abduction murder victim taken from her bed where no evidence of an intruder was found in the home. Neighbor David Westerfield was convicted of the crime.>>>
This scares the crap out of me. I have a baby monitor in my daughter's room (they share a bedroom) with those little alarm things on all the windows. There are freaks everywhere. Just this morning, my (I was very proud) observant daughter noticed a man parked in a truck up the street from the bus stop. After quizzing him, he was waiting on friend to come. I plan on calling the police if he waits for a 'friend' again (I have never seen this person on my street before).
So am I paranoid? Maybe. But it pays to be sometimes.
But that's not paranoid, that is being alert to your environment and taking responsibility for your turf.
When everyone keeps their head down and minds their own business, that's when criminals run amok, not just the molesters either.
Abduction murder is truly a very, very rare event that is just publicized more due to electronic media.