Sorry it's so hot... I think it's hot lots of places today, but this week anyway... not here.
It's darn near chilly out... 50 degrees.
I've been lurking on the Natrc site, and saw this.
"Everybody is invited to the wedding on horseback of Kalinda and
Shane at the Robbers Route Competitive trail ride Saturday
night, the 9th of September. Time to be announced at the ride
probably following the briefing Saturday evening, (which Brenda says
will be at 5:00 p.m.) and prior to the pot luck supper. Shirley
Parker is to perform the ceremony. Everybody is invited to attend
this joyous occasion. Kalinda and Shane already have everything needed
to set up housekeeping. There will be a money tree set up at the ride
for those that want to give a gift. "
Might be interesting:) I've known this girl since I first started doing CTR's. I met her fiance at Robbers Cave ride last year. He's a farrier. Seemed like a really nice kid.