She might end up in Kansas, but I don't know about Waking up.
At this point, with these Defense attorneys digging deeper, a quick dismissal may be the best case scenario for Durham Power (& Durham Justice system).
Baker, Nifong, & company are, to say the least on their heels.
Do you guys remember the black homocide detective that was on FOX multiple times? No, not Ted Williams. This guy has a mustache and is younger.
He said on National TV TWICE, that from inside the Durham PD he's hearing a player is cooperating with the DA.
I wonder how many of these lies will be uncovered before it's all over. I think the Durham Power structure will say anything to the Media off the record to achieve their goals.
I heard him say it once; musta missed the second time. It was Rod Wheeler. The question is, was DPD just using him, or is it legit? The thing is, I still wonder how the cops and DA knew to check McFayden's computer. Who snitched McFayden off? It had to either be a roommate in the dorm or one of the players he wrote to that night.
This has always bothered me, and I have never been convinced that Nifong doesn't have a player that puts sounds coming from the bathroom or something that somehow corroborates part of Mangum's story, even if nobody was named.
Has the defense actually ever said definitively that every single player is on board with the defense that NOTHING was done to Mangum by those players that njight?