What I posted:
The possibilities are:
1. Jesus was married or at least betrothed (In biblical times, the distinction was when the husband took the wife into his home).
2. Luke made up the story in Luke 4:16-20
3. Jesus was in the first ever Jewish-Reformed synagogue.
I consider Luke to be the most straightforward of the Gospels. From the outset he states that his is a second hand account.
The reading of haftarah was based on what Luke was told. The "This is all fulfilled ..." might be by Jesus, but it's probably embellishment by Luke's witness or even Luke himself.
Just to make myself clear:
1. Jesus was married as befitting a proper Jewish man of his time.
2. Luke 4:16-20 recorded reading of haftarah based on what he was told.
3. Anyone who thinks there was a reformed synagogue in the first century shouldn't play with sharp objects.