It is common knowledge that stripping jobs and (non-therapeutic) massage parlors are fronts for prostitution.
I'm sure there are exceptions, but selling one's body for money is prostitution, any way you look at it.
My point is that the Drive-by Media can candy coat it and call a stripper (prostitute) an "exotic dancer", or whatever, but a whore is a whore.
My point also is if a conservative, Republican, or Christian leader were found to be at a party where an "exotic dancer" were hired, the Drive-by Media would call her a stripper. They're using the term "exotic dancer" to avoid diverting blame from evil rich white males.
I opened the bunnyhole entertainment link TexKat posted above and went to the "model gallery" page......only 4 remain, which is perfectly understandable, given the current publicity.....the link below will take you to 4 groups of nude and near-nude thumbnails.....their own descriptions of what they do is in text, but you have to click on one of the thumbnail pics to view the text.....THESE ARE NASTY WOMEN AND THEY ARE NOT SHY ABOUT THE FACT THAT THEY ARE WHORES!
That does make it a little more believable that these guys would be willing to pay $800 for the gig.
My information with regard to high priced tricks has all been bad. They always want the money up front and skip out as fast as they can. Putting the mark in a position of having to physically prevent their leaving and he has to rape them to get his money's worth.
Once he has done that he is guilty of kidnapping and rape.
:)Easy Does It:) :)Easy Does It:)