It is curious as to why the players did not want to say that the dancer entered the 2nd time. A nosey neighbor witnessed quite a bit and approximate times upon the dancers arriving, leaving, and drinking in the yard earlier in the day. If you can clear your name, why not do that and finish out the school year? If there is not enough evidence to go to trial, the charges will be dropped. Keep in mind the media, doesn't have all the facts. It's not an issue of proving innocence. Did a rape occur? I thought I saw something about more details--where the victim stopped fighting and performed oral on Seigelman and Finnerty did the rape and sodomy. The defense will ask Did she have the energy to bite what was in her mouth? Did you scream for help? Why not? I can see Seigelman's girlfriend being asked if she was facialized by Reade--objection--Sustained. How big was this bathroom any way for four people to be in it at one time? Was the door open or closed? Was it closed the whole time or part of the time? Were the lights on or off? If this goes to trial, she will be asked all of those questions... Did you read that Finnerty has been arrested before too? So the accuser stole a car, and Finnerty has beat up a couple people.
You don't know much about the USA of today. In the US, guilt or innocence depends totally on whether the da, judge, and jury likes you or not.
And given you registration date of today, you are probably a DU troll.