Hang in there fellow grandma!!! I think you will be fine once they pinpoint the problem and set upon the avenue of treament. Stay strong. Trust in the Lord and know us Freepers are out here praying hard for you. We'll do everything we can for you spiritually. You just concentrate on getting better and...tell your husband we are keeping him in our prayers as well cause we know he is your rock right now and you both need all the prayers we can offer up. God bless and keep us posted.
Prayer Power Bump!
Sending cyber hugs and prayers...
Hope you can get this whipped soon! Be well, my FRiend.
We can't understand why you have been given this hurdle. You will be in my prayers. You seem like a beautiful person, which is becoming fairly typical around here on FR. I hope the PET scan gives you good news,and that there is something that they can do to give you back your life. I got all teary at you not being done playing with your grandchildren. May you merit many years more of playing.
You are in my prayers this evening.
God bless you! CG & I have been largely absent from FR and had no idea....Prayers going up!!!!
You remain in my prayers this evening.