The only way to be a proper owener of a pittbull is not to have them in a neighborhood. That's because it would be cruel to keep it chained up 24 hours a day.
The dogs are like a time bomb. You never know when or why they go off. You are a fool if you do not know that.
It has nothing to do with the owner. Every pittbull attack story has a quote, "gee, it was such a nice dog. I never would have believed it would bite that little boy/girl, chew off their nose, ear and half their cheek, all while I was beating it over the head with a hammer. Really, I did everything I could to stop it."
Ban all Pittbulls! No, correction. Kill them all.
Yes you do. They go off when they assume the roll of pack leader. NO dog, regardless of breed, should ever be allowed to become the pack leader. No chaining necessary.