I had no interest in reading it. I loved The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and thought the movies were amazing. I never cared to look into Harry Potter. Then, one night I was terribly bored and the first movie was on cable. I was really surprised. I figured that it was a little kid's book. It wasn't, and the movie was quite good. After seeing it, I decided that I needed to read the books, and I haven't stoped reading them since.
O, its a fantastic world Rawling has created. And, the further you go with the books less children's books the become. Last couple are very dark. But, never the less, extremely refreshing. I enjoyed the story so far very very much. I guess my main problem is that she might stop writing them - heck, Harry's got only one more year at Hogwarts, technically. Of course there's far more story left than just one more book. So I have to assume she'll be exploring the story far past Hogwarts. It's definitely taken a life of its own.