Quite frankly I came here propose a plan I believe will wipe Hillary off the Presidential map before her campaign even starts. Don't tell me there is no one here interested in that.
I'll lay it out simple, its similar to what I did on ClownPosse and LP but only TRUTHFUL in this case. What you do is take the Information available at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (Especially their documentary movie Innocents Betrayed) and start spreading it around on Television and on the Radio and in public showings like Michael Moore did with Faharenheight 9-11 and Bowling for Columbine. (I'm sure the JPFO will allow the use of some "fair use" snippets for the cause as well as the whole doc for the public showings, They were in the deep Gun Control fight for a lot longer than I was and are quite willing to sacrifice some elements of copyright for the cause.) Once people know in no uncertain terms about the Gun Control/Genocide historical connection I believe that virtually any gun grabbing politician INCLUDING HILLARY can be tarred with that historic connection and away goes her campaign down the drain.
You were allowed back here, so that you could spread you're delusional ideas about being the new Michael Moore, with SOMEONE ELSE'S PRODUCT, whom you haven't talked to and do not have their permission to use, and what, ask us to send you money to you, to fulfill your delusions of grandeur? Is that IT?
Jim, is this why you allowed this person back on FR, so that he could promote his bizarre "plan" and shake down FREEPERS for money ?
You are just too 007 for us mere mortals.
How Karl Rove ever beat you out for the job always will puzzle me.
I don't think anybody here needs your help with anything, you lowlife moron.
I didn't know anything about your favorite sites until you posted this vanity.
Then I went to the place aptly named Clown Posse after its weird and dyspeptic occupants, and found all your vile friends.
You are persona non grata here, and, it seems, at just about every other website in the universe.
Take a long walk off a short pier!
When you propose the plan, run it through a spell-check first. You wouldn't want to look like a complete idiot.
I'll lay it out simple, its similar to what I did on ClownPosse and LP but only TRUTHFUL in this case.
Does this mean you are an admitted liar?