I took every pad I own out there...
Here's a picture of the problem... looking back from his wither. White patches right on his spine in the back, and right at the front of the tree in the front.
He put my saddle on with the system I used all summer, and said the saddle was bridging even with the Cashell, and it's time to build him up in the middle.
He took my Cashell pad back with him, and he's going to sew pad to it that will fix it. I can pick it up Friday. I'll certainly take pictures of what he makes!
Am I seeing it right... It looks like in the front there's 2 large well defined white spots out around the shoulder blade area, then another more diffuse looking one in the middle at the wither area. I see the 2 smaller white dots on either side of the spine in the middle of his back pretty well.
So how did he tell it didn't fit, by looking? feeling?
Could you see it bridging.