"Update on Maggie. I had to take her back to the vet at 11:30am as she started coughing worse than before."
What are the vets saying her condition is? Did they give it a specific name? Were her lungs x-rayed? I'm not a vet but it sounds like she may have aspirated fluid into her lungs. Treating symptomatically will likely make Maggie feel better, but the vets need to know the cause and the cure for this upset. Can't get to the latter till they know the former, that sort of thing..
You sound like a really good owner. Maggie's lucky to have you in her corner. I'll tell our Chloe to send lots of puppy prayers. She's good at that sort of thing. Hasn't lost a case yet. We only wish you and Maggie well, hope that's coming across.
I'm thinking that perhaps the trach tube caused damage, or possibly she has anesthetic poisoning. I tried to do a search on the symptoms of anesthetic poisoning but couldn't seem to find anything. Right now she is laying down and not coughing and it's two hours until we go back to the vet. Maybe we are finally on the way to being over this. My greatest fear is that it will return when the steroid shot wears off.