1. Go to the Internet site with the picture.
2. Click on the Internet address at the top, which should highlight it, and then click Control and the C key.
3. In the "Your Reply" that we communicate with, type <, then type img src="[website address -- hit control and the v key to paste it here]" [no space between the < and "img", and don't forget the quotes!], then > (with no space bewteen the quote and >).
For example, to paste the FNC picture for Kiran Chetry (still my favorite Fox Babe), you would go to the part of her website with her picture, which is located at http://www.foxnews.com/images/21345/8_21_350_chetry_kiran.jpg, then type <, followed immediately (no space) by img src="http://www.foxnews.com/images/21345/8_21_350_chetry_kiran.jpg", followed by > (no space between the quote mark and >).
And what you should get is this:
Thanks, kesg... I shall remember that tip for future postings but these aren't web pics, unfortunately, these are image caps from my TiVo. I suppose I'd need an HTML program like FrontPage to upload images.