I would make the top 10 maybe. But not #1.
Damnit, folks, I missed one!
If I'm going to tell anyone anything about me, it sure as hell isn't my politics. That ought to be self-evident. Anyone else is just faking it as far as I'm concerned.
I know this is about trolls trying to piss us off, but it is fun to let it loose every now and then. Man, and this was a smoking one, wasn't it? Alright, now I'll watch our folks pound the crap out of that boycotter on Fox.
Well, there's Laz, Petronski, dead (or is it dead corpse? I get those guys mixed up. I don't know why.)
BilltheDrill slays me.
Whom I forgetting? There's somebody with a handle that starts with an "S"....I'm bad with names. But I'm good with faces! (Really helps on a $%^& message board...)
We really should have an awards ceremony of our own though. At least a yearly cyberroast. What do you think?