I'm catching the entire marathon, except the first couple of hours I missed. I keep saying, "I've seen this before, I know what is going to happen, I can skip an hour and go out," but I CAN'T!
The funniest line still is around 1 AM when Novick says, in reference to the nuke warhead going missing, something like "At least this is happening in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping." This, after a day which included a train wreck, a nuclear meltdown, the shooting down of Air Force One, the incapacitation of the President and the swearing in of the V.P. Gee, do ya think anyone would really be sleeping?
Ziva...I know! I can't turn away. How'd you like that little snarky look Chloe gave Edgar after she got permission to get on his computer! LOL. I'm waiting for her to get back to CTU. She makes some kind of remark (to Edgar, I think) about how the field trip didn't really affect her the way she thought. I can't recall her exact wording at all and even convey her tone....you just have to see it.
silent_j...you doing okay?!