Yeah, it's turning into a beautiful day here. I should have rode. A girl I ran into out on the trails a few weeks ago and told she could park here showed up with some friends, and invited me to go. But I was on my way to town with my husband to run a few errands and have lunch. Their trailer is still here, I'm thinking about going and trying to catch up, but they weren't going to ride long.
I've been wondering from your tag line if you homeschool?
My daughter just went out to the pasture - said the horses are acting calM - so that's good news. I was Mostly worried about the App. - he is 14.2 and when we had theM boarded at a stable with lots of horses - he was always off to hiMself and I felt he was picked on. That broke My heart because he is so sweet.... I refuse to put hiM in that situation again - so I aM trying to Monitor My new paint and Make sure he's being "NICE"......