IN 1992, AL GORE ATTACKED PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH FOR IGNORING IRAQ'S TIES TO TERRORISM.Brit Hume had video on last night's program. Funny, I haven't seen it anywhere else.SEN. AL GORE: When George Bush took office, he should have reevaluated what our relationship was with Iraq ...
GORE: Let me finish, just briefly. Instead, he stepped up the foreign aid to Iraq, and he looked the other way when there were repeated incidents of terrorism in which Iraq had a part, terrorists operating openly in Baghdad, and repeated warnings from our national security people telling the Bush administration that Saddam was on a crash program to develop nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction. And he overruled a lot of his advisers and extended another billion dollars of foreign aid, and the U.S. taxpayers are right now having to bail out Saddam Hussein for almost $2 billion. Just like the savings and loan bailout, now its the Saddam Hussein bailout, and it shouldnt have taken place.
(CNNs Larry King Live, 10/5/92)
Haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else but FNC:
NYT's Iraq/ al Qaeda ties - Page 1
I'm having trouble keeping up with all the acrobatics. Algore gives a speech declaring GWB and administration complete liars and/or dupes for perpetrating the Iraq/al Qaeda tie and the next day the NYT has this story? What gives?