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An Academic Liberals Thoughts on President Bush
Southwest Airlines Flight 146
| 4/06/04
| Mr.Fine
Posted on 04/05/2004 11:01:55 PM PDT by MrFine
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APRIL 5th will now henceforward be a day in infamy for my son and I.
While flying to New York, we were seated next to a "writer" who was doing a 2 year research study on our governments lack of encouragement to Mao Tse Tung, and his band of thugs.
She attempted to regale my son Taylor with interesting perspectives on our country's history, such as how the Alamo is really an old movie set, how we really didn't hold off Santa Ana's army to the last man, and better yet, that we should ask Mexico if we really want the true story!
He told her that he thought it would be better if we asked Texans whose families lived there at that time.
After hearing this, I suggested to her that it must be hard to keep a coherent string of thoughts together after doing all of that LSD in the 60's.
In a very condescending manner this "writer" told me she went to Cornell and never took LSD. I replied mildly, "ohh, so you preferred mushrooms then...."
She then went on to tell me how it was people like me who were bringing America to its knees.
I asked how? By my working hard, or selling only products made in the USA, or maybe it the Boy Scouts leadership position that I use to warp young males minds into thinking it is good to love God, your country, and your family?
She said that it was because I thought America was better than everyone else.
At that point, I became certain that she DID take a lot of LSD and mushrooms while in college....(Later, my son asked about LSD, I told him it was a drug that made you see things that weren't really there. His reply was, (and I quote,) Did the people on the news take a lot of LSD too?
Out of the mouths of babes....
After this exchange between the writer and I, I told her I thought it was good that FDR ignored China at that time because if we had helped them to become more capitalist, we would likely be working for Chinese employers by this time. I further said that the longer it takes for China to move into a market based system of Government, the better it is for America.
After hearing this, I thought she was either having a stroke or a hot flash from the color of her face.
I then told her that America is lucky to have a president with testicles that are used for something other than teasing interns with and that on 9/11, America found out who her friends really were.
She stopped talking.
I went to sleep,
My son played his gameboy.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:01:56 PM PDT
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STOP BY AND BUMP THE FUNDRAISER THREAD- It is in the breaking news sidebar!
To: MrFine
too bad there weren't any A&E cameras around for their show 'Airline'.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:05:12 PM PDT
(Hey, I am on the internet. I have a right (cough, cough) to write stupid things.)
To: MrFine
You have patience. I would have told her to shut her commie pie-hole. But that's just me. Great post, btw.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:06:26 PM PDT
(Never make excuses whether or not it is your fault.)
To: MrFine
"She said that it was because I thought America was better than everyone else."
So? Isnt it? :-)
I asked a bunch of leftists when challenged with a list of horribles about america, "okay, name a country that is better".
They were left stunned and speechless. they couldnt think a sinlge country better than USA.
This writer might have had a better retort, but it will quickly get the shoe on the other foot ... "oh, so you think sweden is great, did you know the middle class there have lower income levels than blacks in america?" etc.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:07:27 PM PDT
( - Disturb, manipulate, demonstrate for the right thing)
To: MrFine
Did the people on the news take a lot of LSD too? LOL!
posted on
04/05/2004 11:11:45 PM PDT
Paleo Conservative
(Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.)
To: MrFine
It is times like that I wish I could Morph into Dr. Alan Keyes!
At least you weren't sitting next to a Lib that tried to explain the evils of discrimination towards having two mommies.
Your son would have been safer sitting next to a whore from the Ranch. Compared to the lefties and their warped ideologies a whore would have had more class IMO. They don't go around trying to convert others.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:12:52 PM PDT
(I will continue to be a Monthly Donor until JimRob says he is GAY too!)
To: MrFine
This situation you describe has all the trappings of a great short film. It's a pity there was no-one available to get it on video. It'd have been great comedy to see that Leftist put in her place! Nicely done! : )
posted on
04/05/2004 11:13:19 PM PDT
Prime Choice
(Hm? No, my powers can only be used for Good.)
To: MrFine
"An Academic Liberals Thoughts on President Bush"
I'm surprised DumboRats know how to think beyond
a socialistic handout!
posted on
04/05/2004 11:19:24 PM PDT
To: MrFine
I carry a taser in anticipation of a situation like the one that you described. It's my dream to have a "fruit encounter" in which I zap the babbling fruit, put them in a "God Bless America" t-shirt, and then sit back and watch them choke on their own tongue.
I also make my wife wear a plethora of animal skins to the mall in an effort to try to get some PETA nut to get within choking distance - but that's another subject.
Good post.
posted on
04/05/2004 11:50:11 PM PDT
(The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.)
To: MrFine
Three words..............ok, six words.
GOOD for you............AND your son.
To: MrFine
To: MrFine
....(Later, my son asked about LSD, I told him it was a drug that made you see things that weren't really there. His reply was, (and I quote,) Did the people on the news take a lot of LSD too? You have much to be proud of, sir.
To: MrFine
"She said that it was because I thought America was better than everyone else." Then why has the immigration to this country been so one sided for over 200 years? We have to build fences to keep people out while here beloved commie hell holes have to put up barbed wire to keep people imprisoned.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:07:51 AM PDT
(This space outsourced to India)
To: MrFine
"I told her I thought it was good that FDR ignored China at that time because if we had helped them to become more capitalist, we would likely be working for Chinese employers by this time. I further said that the longer it takes for China to move into a market based system of Government, the better it is for America."
Hopefully, you just said this to upset her, and don't actually believe anything so inhumane, unpatriotic and short-sighted?
Other than that, you did good.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:13:57 AM PDT
I had an ex co-worker who insisted that Norway and Sweden had much better standards of living than America. I asked him what he based his statement on. He said it's because their governments give so much to their citizens and listed a number of the "freebies" that Scandinavian citizens receive. I asked him why he didn't move to Norway (he's half Norwegian). He said it's because it's too expensive for foreigners to live there. I asked him why that was. He said because the prices are too high because of high taxes. I asked him why then was Scandinavia superior to America if it's so expensive to live there. He was becoming more and more agitated with me. He said, with noticeable exasperation, because the government "gives" (my quotes) so much to it's citizens!!!! Oh, I said smirking like a maniac.
posted on
04/06/2004 1:15:08 AM PDT
( For life-long happiness, learn how to play the accordion.)
Comment #17 Removed by Moderator
To: Qwinn
I wasn't joking Qwinn.
I DO think America is lucky to have China just now entering a market based economy.
To make a point, Look at our trade defecit. A
merica can only survive on a service economy for so long. If China's economy had been market based since WWII, It is far more likely that we would not have the quality of life we do today. Further, I DO think it is patriotic to support this point of view as it helps Americans rather than Chinese.
I hope you don't think the Chinese would put our interests before theirs?
It is good to look out for Americans first.
We all need to do that more often.
posted on
04/06/2004 8:35:38 AM PDT
To: MrFine
Um, okay...
First off, if China was not a repressive Communist regime which effectively has it's entire population in a perpetual state of slavery, they wouldn't be able to produce goods at such a lower price than ours.
China isn't "becoming" a free market now. Not even close. It's a mockery of capitalism using slave labor - the only similarity is in the upper ranks of the corporate hierarchy, but where the COSTS come into play, it's still pure communism.
If China were truly capitalist, the wages of workers would be at a reasonable level that would not be as crushing in a labor-competitive sense as it is now, when the Chinese government just tells their people "Make these beanie babies or die".
Now, if you want to claim that it's better that they were a pure communism than what they are now, I have no objection, since in both cases the people are slaves. However, if I'm going to wish for something, it would be that Soviet spies in our government hadn't sabotaged U.S. aid to the real Chinese government, and we'd been competing -fairly- with a real Chinese free market such as that of Taiwan all this time.
posted on
04/06/2004 8:48:13 AM PDT
To: MrFine
May I ask how old your son is? I suspect he's a few years more mature than your seat-mate.
posted on
04/06/2004 10:55:23 AM PDT
(JOHN KERRY never saw a TAX he would not HIKE !)
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