Remember that the next time that you watch the dramatization of a terrorist act or a war and call it entertaining.
Bullsh!t. There is a remarkable difference between telling a story and having plot elements pertinent to that story vs throwing in random, pointless outrages without which the plot is no different.
When a writer throws something like that into a story, it is no longer art, it is perversion.
When I visit my inlaws, they invariably sit through hours and hours of outrage and deeply disturbing images and situations that are apparently a routine part of television anymore. That isn't telling a story worth hearing, of the triumph of good over evil, it is telling the story that evil is far more pervasive than it really is.
It isn't the work of artists, it is the product of psychopaths, child molesters, and diabolically evil people sharing their sick fantasies over the airwaves.
Anyone who can dial in week after week to women and children being tortured, raped, and killed by psychos and call it entertaining needs a serious head check.