I would hazard that by no means all the thousands of jusrisdictions involved have the same data structures and formatting.
It's a big job. I'm glad somebody is attacking it.
It likely derives much of its reliable data from state and fed data sources and then to the extent possible from local sources, such utility companies, etc. But the raw data is there.
It could certainly identify citizenship for federal election purposes. Since citizenship is statutorily required to vote in federal elections, use of the software out to be mandated by the feds.
It's a big job. I'm glad somebody is attacking it.
That attack appears piecemeal and dependent upon local inclinations to insist on the cleanest elections possible.
Fractal is in the business of selling/licensing software. It would appear that its use for elections will depend on local voters insisting local government use Fractal's services.
That would seem worthy of a major effort by local voters, if not a principal effort.
Thank you Red Badger for a timely and most important thread.