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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –

In a sharp rebuke to the leftist/globalists in power in the EU, the right upset the apple cart and gave devastating losses to the leftist parties. However, it wasn’t quite enough to overturn the centrist working majority in the European Parliament, the EU’s lower house, putting Ursula von der Leyen on track to stay president of the European Commission until 2029.

The elections didn’t fare well for leaders in EU countries.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron has Dissolved the French Parliament with Early Elections being called for June 30th and July 7th, following a Significant Defeat by Left-Wing Parties and a Rise of the Far-Right across Europe in today European Union Elections. Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration nationalist party has just trounced Emmanuel Macron’s party in the French EU Elections, winning 34% of the vote. Macron’s party got 15% while Le Pen’s National Rally got 32.5%

Belgium’s globalist Prime Minister Alex De Croo resigns after losing to right-wing parties in EU elections. His party received just 5.8% of the votes.

Germany. The liberal Green Party lost 18% of young voters while the AFD (”far-right”) made a stunning 10% gain.

Anti-immigrant Malachy Steenson elected in Dublin:
“The revolution has begun!”

It looks like the Freedom Party of Geert Wilders has won 7 seats in the European Parliament today. Previously, they had never won a single seat.

Exit polls show that the right-wing Brothers of Italy are set to WIN with a record high number of votes in the EU election.

Flemish nationalist parties dominated general elections in Belgium on Sunday as Prime minister Alexander De Croo’s liberal party took a hit, with difficult coalition talks to form a new government now looming.
Despite polls predicting that the far-right, anti-immigration Vlaams Belang party would become the main political force in the country with 11.5 million inhabitants, the right-wing nationalist New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) retained its first spot, with an expected 22% of the votes, according to provisional results provided by the Interior ministry.

Spain’s center-right People’s Party (PP) came out on top in Sunday’s European election, garnering 22 seats out of the 61 allocated to the country, and dealing a blow to the Socialist-led government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

OBSERVATION - Wins for nationalistic, anti-immigration, anti-globalist global warming elements on a country by country basis. The EU leadership will be under siege with the influx of the new right. Countries like France, inundated by migrants and soaring crime, will see more aggressive actions to deport them.

All in all, a significant push back to WEF inspired dreams of growing its power base and moving its agendas forward.

BTW - elections are on the horizon for Canada and the growing tsunami of dissatisfaction and anger of Canadians against the ruling govt may well usher in a change in power there as well.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

The Texas Republican Party has adopted two platform planks that call for legislators to assert state sovereignty, and to schedule a secession referendum in the next general election after November’s.
“This historic vote at the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention represents a substantial shift towards enhancing state sovereignty and exploring the potential for Texas to operate as an independent nation,” said the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) in a statement. “It reflects the growing sentiment among Texans for greater autonomy and the protection of our rights against federal overreach.”

OBSERVATION - The TX secession movement is alive and well and even growing with the continued fed govt intrusions that are affecting red states. Many see that a TX secession would lead other red states to join it, carving out much of the central part of the country out. ‘


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) unveiled its final update for the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards on Friday, trimming down some of the proposal’s excesses while keeping other aspects unchanged or very similar. However, the final rules are still likely to be onerous for consumers and to further the Biden administration’s push to massively increase the share of EVs on America’s roads in the coming decade, according to market experts who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers’ Association, which has opposed the Biden administration’s EV agenda, characterized Friday’s rulemaking as still “another policy aimed at banning most new gas cars.”

“The final action announced Friday will require American manufacturers to reach a fleet-wide average of approximately 50 miles per gallon (mpg) by model year 2031, according to NHTSA. The initial proposal called for producers to reach a 58 mpg average by 2032, a goal so ambitious that Institute for Energy Research Senior Fellow Dan Kish described it at the time as a de facto “EV mandate.”

Additionally, NHTSA’s final CAFE update also will require manufacturers to increase the efficiency of their heavy-duty pickups and vans by 10% annually between model years 2030 and 2032, and then 8% from model year 2032 to model year 2035, according to the agency.

OBSERVATION - The auto industry is a substantial component of our economy that directly impacts consumers both via personal autos, as well as thru the trucking industry components. The overall goal is clear - eliminate gas/diesel powered vehicles. Such would devastate the economy and living standards.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


Expecting to hear early this week what is going to happen on jury misconduct in Trump’s verdict in the alleged payoff scenario. The info was released late Friday, so legal maneuvering should be kicking off soon.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre On Biden’s plagiarism accusations of Reagan’s D-Day speech:

“He didn’t plagiarize. He copied.”

Speaking at a Michigan Democratic Party fundraiser, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said on Saturday that she mourns the Palestinians killed during Israel’s raid that freed four hostages.

“Before I begin, I just say a few words about the morning which I know weighs heavily on all of our hearts,” Harris said, per Fox News.

“On Oct. 7, Hamas committed a brutal massacre of 1,200 innocent people and abducted 250 hostages,” she said. “Thankfully, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today.”

OBSERVATION - Facts on the ground would suggest that many of these ‘innocent’ Gazans were likely killed by Hamas responding to the rescue attempt and firing blindly into the suspected direction of the rescue team.
Disgusting that harris is morning the hostage takers.

Illegal Immigration –

Earlier today CBS polling expert Anthony Salvanto broke the news to Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation that 62% of Americans want all illegal aliens rounded up and deported.

Anthony Salvanto: “We tested that in a general way in principle. Would you support a new government program that would deport all people living in the U.S. illegally? And that finds majority favor. That finds six in 10. It’s strongest among folks who are MAGA. It’s strongest among Trump supporters, but also from some Democrats as well.”

Anthony Salvanto: Well, when you measure public sentiment on this or really just about any policy, you’re getting a sense of direction. You’re getting broad brushstrokes.
But those kinds of details, well, that’s often up to the legislatures and the courts later on. We tested even the idea of, should local law enforcement be involved in this? And a lot of folks do say yes. Again, the details of that, the specifics, you’re not going to pick that up in an aggregate public opinion.

OBSERVATION - The left has overplayed their hand in their open border - replacement policies. The masses aren’t happy, especially in dark blue regions of the country. This is perchance one of the reasons Trump’s support remains to hot is that he is on the right side of the issue.

North/South Korea –

South Korea and the United States were set to hold talks Monday in Seoul on better coordinating an allied nuclear response during a war with North Korea, amid anxiety over Pyongyang’s growing arsenal, Seoul officials said.
The third meeting of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) is designed to follow up on last year’s summit, during which the United States promised to give South Korea more insight into its nuclear planning for a conflict with the North.

OBSERVATION - There is growing potential for a nuclear arms race on the peninsula.

The U.S. and South Korea conducted joint bombing drills using a type of precision munition for the first time in about seven years, in a show of force after Seoul scrapped a 2018 deal with North Korea to reduce tensions at the border.

At least one US B1-B bomber and other fighter jets such as the F-35B joined South Korean jets for the drills Wednesday that dropped a JDAM bomb. JDAM stands for Joint Direct Attack Munition and it’s a tail kit that converts unguided bombs into accurate, weather-adverse bombs, according to the U.S. Air Force.

The last time JDAM was used in a joint drill was in 2017, South Korea’s Ministry of National Defense said in a statement. South Korean F-15Ks fighters conducted live-fire drills at the same time to show a joint defense posture against “any provocation by North Korea,” the ministry said.

OBSERVATION - Part of a continuing and escalating show of force by SK to NK provocations.

Following NK flying balloons carrying human feces, SK has reactivated propaganda speakers aimed at NK, with broadcasts beginning again this morning.

Russia -

Ukraine might keep some of the F-16 fighter jets it is set to receive from its Western allies at foreign bases to protect them from Russian strikes, a senior Ukrainian military officer said Monday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Moscow could consider launching strikes at facilities in NATO countries if they host the warplanes used in Ukraine.

“If they are stationed at air bases outside the Ukrainian borders and used in combat, we will have to see how and where to strike the assets used in combat against us,” Putin said last year. “It poses a serious danger of NATO being further drawn into the conflict.”
In March, the Russian leader again warned Ukraine’s Western allies against providing air bases from where the F-16s could launch sorties against the Kremlin’s forces. Those bases would become a “legitimate target,” he said.
“F-16s are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, and we will also need to take that into account while organizing our combat operations,” Putin stated.

Logistics –

Russian GLONASS is in trouble. The problem is a familiar one, too many GLONASS satellites are ending their service lives, usually seven years, and Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, does not have the money to replace all of the GLONASS satellites. The cash shortage means the program to build improved GLONASS satellites, like GLONASS-K, which is the first GLONASS satellite that is unpressurized and weighs much less at 750 kg while also having a longer service life of ten years. The current GLONASS-M weighs 1,450 kg and has a service life of seven years. Currently most of the 24 GLONASS satellites in service are past their seven year service lives and, as expected, operating erratically, and starting to fail.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 80 - 90s and fair.


Rumint. Incoming reports of Ukraine having sunk a large Russian ship (around 100 meter long) near Yeysk,

Unconfirmed reports that Ukraine struck a Russian landing ship in Sea of Azov. A group of Russian Navy ships sailed to Sea of Azov a couple of days ago.

Ukrainian warplanes have for the first time fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia, a Ukrainian military source said to Sky News. He added that a “Russian command node” was hit today in the area of Bilhorod.

Follow up on yesterday’s report of the damage/destruction of a SU-57. Battle damage assessment (BDA) is that 2 of the 8 (ish) SU-57s were damaged.

Russian Ministry of Defense claims occupation of Staromayorske village.

Kharkiv Front -

Ammunition depot exploded in Rakitne district of Belgorod region, Russia

Head of Bilopilya community of Sumy region denies any presence of Russian troops in Ryzhivka village.

Ukrainian forces now control most of the town of Vovchansk. Russian morale is reportedly poor, as Chechen units are used as “anti-retreat” forces - stopping any Russian troops from retreating & enforcing discipline. Russians said to be building up their forces in this area

Crimean front —

Explosions were reported in several districts of occupied Crimea overnight, associated with an overnight missile attack on Crimea on June 10. Two S-300 complexes and four radars were damaged. The attack involved at least 10 ATACMS missiles, none of which were intercepted.

Russian Territory –

Ukraine drones attacked a tug and barge in the Taganrog Bay. The attack was carried out on the tug Engineer Smirnov and the barge Section-179 on the evening of June 8

Outlook —

Very active but on the surface appears to be disjointed so I want to connect some dots.

First - Russian vessels now threatened in the Sea of Azov. Russia pulled many vessels out of Crimea and into the area to avoid Ukrainian attacks. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Ukraine seaborne drones conducted the attacks, meaning that they were able to sneak under thru the Kerch Straits to attack targets. This will stress Russian resupply efforts currently ferrying supplies across the Sea.

Secondly, Ukraine’s missile strikes throughout Crimea and even the Belgorod region. Ukraine is systematically blinding Russia’s air defense radar network and killing their backbone air defense systems - the S300 and S400 missile batteries. This effort has borne fruit in allowing Ukraine to strike deeper into Russia with their simple drones. But a second, more direct result is allowing Ukraine fighter bombers to more directly attack Russian forces along the front and now deeper into Russia proper. This effort will be very important late this year when F-16s come into play for Ukraine. These air defense systems are virtually non-replaceable because Russia doesn’t have the means to repair them and replacement systems are spread across western Russia attempting to protect key facilities from Ukraine drone attacks.

On the ground, unconfirmed reports that Ukraine is taking the initiative away from Russia in the Kharkiv region. Russia may be attempting to strike towards Sumy to relieve some of the pressure, but their incursion into Kharkiv has served warning to Ukraine who is better prepared on the Sumy front to confront Russia forces.

Ukraine defenses further south continue to hold and inflict high losses on Russian assaults. These assaults have essentially ceased to be coordinated operations and have turned into dashes by smaller units (company and smaller) across disputed regions in order to attempt to plant Russian ground troops in positions from where they can then launch attacks against Ukrainian defensive positions. This is where it is become increasingly apparent that the loss of armored vehicles by Russia is hurting the worst. More and more, Russia is using motorcycles, ATVs etc in the mad dash - and getting creamed in the process. There are further reports that Russian artillery support is having difficulties. Combination of losses of tubes and interdicted ammo supplies have caused Russia to increasingly rely on indirect fire from tanks and APCs like the BMP-3.

The locally famous Russia ‘turtle’ tanks numbers have diminished on the front lines, as Ukraine has quickly assessed their vulnerabilities and have neutralized the initial advantages of the monstrosities.

Expect continued to continue to be fierce in the Ocheretyne and Chasiv Yar regions.


Key overnight developments -

- Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot announce their withdrawal from the Israeli war government.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot announce their withdrawal from the Israeli war government. Gantz urges Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to resign from Netanyahu’s government. Gantz further called on party leaders to hold elections to form a national unity government

Biden Administration has discussed potentially negotiating unilateral deal with Hamas to free 5 U.S. hostages

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Intense fighting continues in Central and Southern (Rafah) Gaza.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Hezbollah fired ATGM/mortar shell launches towards Mount Dov area and other areas the border region with Israel.

Unconfirmed reports that Hezbollah utilized more sophisticated air defense missiles against IAF air craft over the weekend, allegedly forcing them to withdraw.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces arrested more than 20 Palestinians from across the West Bank overnight.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

Iranian-backed Houthis launched four anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen over the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships.

Additionally, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed four UASs and two ASBMs in Houthi controlled areas of Yemen. USCENTCOM forces also successfully destroyed one UAS launched from a Houthi controlled area of Yemen into the Bab al-Mandab Strait.
Separately, USCENTCOM forces successfully destroyed a Houthi patrol boat in the Red Sea.

AP News cites a report from private security firm Ambrey, which said the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden was struck by a missile on its forward station, sparking a fire. A second missile missed the vessel, and rebels “on board small boats in the vicinity opened fire on the ship during the incident,” the security firm said, adding no crew on the vessel was hurt in the attack

———INTERNATIONAL ——————————-

Massive 50,000+ pro Israeli march in Toronto Canada over the weekend. Pro-hamas elements attempted to disrupt it, but were dealt with quickly by law enforcement.

——— FORECAST ————————-

The US-led coup to overthrow Netanyahu is fully underway, with the Gantz resignation. Washington has been courting Gantz for the past three plus years now in an effort to keep Netanyahu’s and DC’s efforts have intensified during the Gaza war. This is interference in Israel’s government in a most menacing manner possible, under cutting the govt in the middle of a war.

It is very clear, biden doesn’t want Israel to be successful in Gaza, nor allow the operation against Hezbollah to begin. The behind the scenes biden attempts to keep Israel from hitting Iran further implicate the regime’s anti-Israeli bent.

His departure still leaves Netanyahu’s nationalist-religious coalition in control of parliament with a 64-seat majority in the 120 seat Knesset.
Gantz, a former armed forces chief and defense minister, heads the centrist National Unity party which holds eight seats.

The resignation of Gantz may cause further attempts to split up not only the govt but the Israeli people in general, buy stirring up strife and discontent among the left elements.

In spite of biden’s efforts, Rafah will continue to be dealt with as well as other Hamas strong points that redevelop in the rest of Gaza.

Evidence on ongoing planning for the operation against Hezbollah both on the military side as well as mental preparation / propaganda of the Israeli people. Indicators suggest that an attack is not imminent, but increasingly probable beginning in the August timeframe.

Houthi attempting to regain significance in the Red Sea region. May well garner more allied air strikes on associated facilities in Yemen.

582 posted on 06/10/2024 6:10:33 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Godzilla

Tremendous work on the situation around the world, Godzilla. Thank you.

583 posted on 06/10/2024 6:17:18 AM PDT by PGalt (Past Peak Civilization?)
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To: Godzilla
Facts on the ground would suggest that many of these ‘innocent’ Gazans were likely killed by Hamas responding to the rescue attempt and firing blindly into the suspected direction of the rescue team. Disgusting that harris is mourning the hostage takers.

NSA Sullivan's backing similar lies. Harris and the MSM quote the Hamas 'death' numbers too as if Hamas was a credible source. And to add insult to injury President Sniffer wants to negotiate for American hostages cutting Netanyahu out of that process. Will Kerry bring pallets of cash for the deal? Disgusting.

584 posted on 06/10/2024 8:15:37 AM PDT by GOPJ (WOKE DEI hires - an easy way to place hard core commies and sexual weirdos into top corporate spots)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

A heads up. My posting will be very sporadic the rest of this month as I’ll be on the road much of the next three weeks. I’ll try to get some summaries in when I’m back at home base.

Globalism / Great Reset –

Leftist/globalists struggling to make plans to counter newly elected conservative / nationalistic parties elected over the weekend across Europe.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Pro hamas and other islamic jihadists blocked the entrance to a NY theater where a memorial to the Oct 7 massacre victims was present. Protestors threatened to burn the building down wiith Jews inside of it. NYPD did very little to intervene.

OBSERVATION - The very violent jihadists / hamas supporters are rising to the surface more and more. Though this was a relatively small protest, it is being repeated many times of late. Hatred of Israel will be one of the major “Floyd” elements of election riots coming this November and beyond. Antifa will join in just to break and burn things up. Other leftist elements may get sidelined - such as the lgbt cult - because the jihadist elements will no longer need them as ‘allies’, reverting to islamic anti gay doctrines and excluding them.

Increasing components of a religious war developing - versus the Floyd ‘race’ wars of 2020.


Median mortgage payments hit a new high of $2894 per month in May. This is an increase of 14% from 2023, 23% 2022 and 78% from 2021.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


New video footage provided to House Republicans reveals then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitting responsibility for not having the National Guard protect the Capitol building ahead of protests on January 6, 2021.

The footage, Politico notes, was “was shown in a video shot by the former speaker’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently provided to congressional investigators by HBO.” It was never aired — nor did Alexandra Pelosi provide it to the January 6 Committee when it was supposedly investigating the Capitol riot.

The January 6 Committee also never subpoenaed Speaker Pelosi or her daughter for documents about the riot.

The video substantiates claims by former President Donald Trump that Pelosi was responsible for failing to prepare sufficient security ahead of the protest. Trump offered the National Guard in the days before the “Stop the Steal” rally 6, but was refused.

OBSERVATION - Pelosi scrambled to get on to MSM outlets to ‘correct’ the video, but the damage has been done.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest-ever — a dismal 37.4% — with disapproval at a troubling 56.6, according to tracker and opinion poll analyzer Five Thirty Eight.
The polling shows signs of dwindling support among nonwhite voters, while progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Business Insider reported.
Biden’s approval began the slide after the United States’ tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never recovered.

OBSERVATION - These numbers, as well as other polls, reportedly have caused democrats to go into full freak out mode. It makes their vote stealing efforts much steeper as the country slips into Electoral and probably total vote tsnumani for Trump, knowing full well that his long tails will likely damage their numbers in the House and Senate too.

Illegal Immigration –

Louisiana House has passed a bill that would allow state and local law enforcement to arrest immigrants who have entered the United States illegally.

Fox News obtained an internal Border Patrol memo. It instructs agents in the San Diego sector to release single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere. This order applied to all illegals except for those from six countries. Those would be classified as hard or very hard to remove.
The internal memo was sent out after Biden signed the executive action.

Details in the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli, instructs agents that all single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere are to be processed via “NTA/OR,” which means Notice to Appear/released on Own Recognizance, except for migrants from Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan – which are “mandatory referral” countries.

There are more than 100 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, meaning that despite the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and President Biden’s threats of consequences and promises to remove migrants who cross illegally under the new executive order, the overwhelming majority of the migrants in the San Diego sector are being released into the U.S.

OBSERVATION - With these revelations, biden has just dug himself deeper into a hole on immigration. Immigration is one of the highest concerns for voters and he faces very low approval numbers on it.

The Biden administration is considering a plan to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants who are the spouses of U.S. citizens and give them access to work permits, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.
The sources stressed that the proposal was not final and the timing was fluid. The program, known as “parole in place,” would also make it easier for some undocumented immigrants to get a green card and a path to U.S. citizenship. One of the sources said lawmakers on Capitol Hill had been briefed on the proposal.

A White House spokesperson declined to comment on details.

OBSERVATION - These efforts are designed to thwart as much as possible Trumps declaration of mass deportations by allowing these illegals to tie up their deportations in court, bogging the system down.

North/South Korea –

South Korea’s military Monday said it is detecting signs North Korea is installing its own loudspeakers along their heavily armed border, a day after the South blared anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts over its speakers for the first time in years as the rivals engage in a Cold War-style psychological warfare.
The South’s resumption of its loudspeaker broadcasts on Sunday was in retaliation for the North sending over 1,000 balloons filled with trash and manure over the last couple of weeks.

Russia -


Several Russian warships will arrive in Cuba on June 12, the RIA news agency cited Russian navy commander Alexander Moiseyev as saying Tuesday.
Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive for “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia, Cuban officials said last week.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

OBSERVATION - This flotilla does have the potential of carrying nuclear tipped missiles.

Kerch Bridge update –

Russia has reportedly resumed fuel transportation to the Russian-occupied Crimea, south Ukraine, via a railway bridge across the Kerch Strait. With Ukraine having struck 2 of the roll-on roll-off ship ferries & the ferry dock in Crimea, Russia’s forced to again use its illegal Crimea bridge to bring in military fuel, hardware & supplies.

This move is seen as an act of increasing desperation by Russia to keep its forces in Crimea and southern to southeastern Ukraine supplied.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 80 - 90s and fair.

There are rumors that families of Russian Air Defense soldiers are being told to leave Crimea as Ukraine steps up targeting facilities and systems.

Explosions from unspecified Russian missiles was reported in Dnipro city.

Russian Ministry of Defense claims full occupation of Myasozharivka(Artemivka) village of Luhansk region and Tymkivka village of Kharkiv region.
Russian forces continue attacks along a front stretching from Ocheretyne south to Vuhledar.

Ukraine denies Russian control over Ivanivske village, located east southeast of Chasiv Yar.

Outlook —

Russian offensive is at its high water mark and unless it has substantial reserves floating around out there, they are rapidly losing the ability to press forward in a dominating manner the did at the start of operations. It further seems that Russia has spread its forces across a number of fronts, (such as Kharkiv and now potentially Sumy) and not concentrating to force a more significant breakout.

Ukraine has been very successful in several key, strategic elements that is clearly beginning to show fruit. First is driving the Black Sea Fleet out of the Black Sea - negating the missile carriers and striking the amphibious ships being used to shuttle supplies.

Second is the continued successful attacks on Russian air defense assets such as early warning radars, airborne radar systems, S300 and S400 batteries. Almost daily, even the simplest of Ukraine drones are reported penetrating hundreds of kilometers into Russia to strike their targets. Loss of ADA by Russia is also permitting Ukraine to be more aggressive with the limited air power they have to successfully target key command and logistical targets.

The success in these two areas goes to support Ukrainian ground defense efforts, now rearmed by western countries. I see only limited counter offensives in the future - no major Ukraine offensives over the summer.

I also think that their success in cutting off the roll-on roll-off ship ferries & the ferry dock in Crimea and forcing Russia to rely more on the Kerch Bridge will result in the bridge finally be taken totally off line, making life very hard for Russian forces in Crimea. Ukraine would still have a stiff fight to reach Crimea, but the impact will be signifiant - forcing Russian planners between a rock and a hard place with its gem Crimea being threatened on one hand and sustaining operations in eastern Ukraine to hold territory gained on the other.

Europe / NATO General –

Anarchists and leftists hit the streets of Paris overnight, targeting those thought to be their political opponents following the conservative / right victories in Sunday’s EU elections.

OBSERVATION - Let this be a warning to the US as well after a trump victory in November.


Key overnight developments -

- UNSC approved US resolution calling for a cease fire.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

The U.N. Security Council on Monday approved its first resolution endorsing a cease-fire plan aimed at ending the eight-month Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
The vote on the U.S.-sponsored resolution was 14-0, with Russia abstaining.
The resolution welcomes a cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden that the United States says Israel has accepted. It calls on Hamas, which initially said it viewed the proposal “positively,” to accept the three-phase plan.

Hamas is said to have accepted an U.N. Security Council ceasefire resolution and is ready to negotiate over the details, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday, adding that it was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it.

US State Department: Secretary Blinken discussed with the Israeli Defense Minister the proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza

A Direct Polls survey released on Monday by Israel’s Channel 14 shows that the Likud Party gained a slight tailwind following National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz’s announcement that he was quitting the emergency unity government.
If elections were held today, the Likud Party with Benjamin Netanyahu at its head would win a months-long high of 59 Knesset seats, up one from last week’s Direct Polls survey.
Meanwhile, the center-left bloc weakened, falling to 51 mandates from 53 in the last poll.

The survey asked which leader was best suited to serve as prime minister: Netanyahu or Gantz. Forty-seven percent of the respondents picked Netanyahu compared to 31% for Gantz. Twenty-two percent said neither was suitable.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Continuing clashes between Hamas et al and the Israeli army penetrating the center of the city of Rafah

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

A barrage of some 50 rockets were launched from Lebanon at the central Golan Heights a short while ago, the military says. Air defenses shot down several of the rockets, while the rest impacted open areas, the Israeli army adds

During the night, Israeli Air Force fighter jets attacked a military compound of Unit 4400, the logistical reinforcement unit of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which serves as a factor in transporting weapons to and within Lebanon. In the compound, two centers located in the area of Baalbak in deep Lebanon were attacked. The Israeli airstrikes in the Hermel District of northeastern Lebanon, appear to be in response to numerous Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel over the past day, and the terror group downing an Israeli army drone.

——— FORECAST ————————-

The biden initiative is a nothing burger but concessions to Hamas IMHO. Hamas has already rejected similar in the past and is only now claiming ‘interest’ because of the PR blitz from the Israeli hostage rescue. They see it as a way to deter/delay Israeli operations and use the US as a weapon against Israel.

Gantz’s departure from the war govt has had no immediate positive results for him and his party, in fact may have hurt it. As stated before, this whole thing is an effort to get Netanyahu removed from leadership of the country - plain and simple.

The levels and nature of the combat in Gaza is likely to continue relatively unchanged, with Israel continuing to conduct search and destroy operations with sporadic ‘raids’ to hit Hamas when it tries to reconstitute forces.

I also see pro-hamas ‘protests’ in other countries growing more violent, eschpeially as more pro-Israeli govts take charge in the coming months. Could get very ugly.

Misc of Note –

Being out much of the remainder of this month doesn’t mean that I personally won’t be keeping tabs on the situation, only that I will not be able to have the time or the ability to generate these posts. However, I will be in internet challenged areas which will hamper my own personal efforts.

There are so many hots spots so to speak that require constant monitoring.

- biden law fare against trump

- progress of the Gaza war

- increasing economic instability and potential indicators of a recession or other disaster, such as stagflation or even hyperinflation.

- growth and development of pro-hamas / antifa riot plans for this summer into the elections and beyond

- growing threat from illegals from countries hostile to the US abetting protests, or even committing acts of terror or gross crime in general.

- Out of control escalation of the war in Ukraine, China against Taiwan or Philippines, or Iran stepping back into the Gaza conflict.
There are other flash points embedded in these as well. How close to the edge we are getting will only become clearer over the next days and months.

585 posted on 06/11/2024 6:04:00 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

A heads up. My posting will be very sporadic the rest of this month as I’ll be on the road much of the next three weeks. I’ll try to get some summaries in when I’m back at home base.

Globalism / Great Reset –

Leftist/globalists struggling to make plans to counter newly elected conservative / nationalistic parties elected over the weekend across Europe.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Pro hamas and other islamic jihadists blocked the entrance to a NY theater where a memorial to the Oct 7 massacre victims was present. Protestors threatened to burn the building down wiith Jews inside of it. NYPD did very little to intervene.

OBSERVATION - The very violent jihadists / hamas supporters are rising to the surface more and more. Though this was a relatively small protest, it is being repeated many times of late. Hatred of Israel will be one of the major “Floyd” elements of election riots coming this November and beyond. Antifa will join in just to break and burn things up. Other leftist elements may get sidelined - such as the lgbt cult - because the jihadist elements will no longer need them as ‘allies’, reverting to islamic anti gay doctrines and excluding them.

Increasing components of a religious war developing - versus the Floyd ‘race’ wars of 2020.


Median mortgage payments hit a new high of $2894 per month in May. This is an increase of 14% from 2023, 23% 2022 and 78% from 2021.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


New video footage provided to House Republicans reveals then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitting responsibility for not having the National Guard protect the Capitol building ahead of protests on January 6, 2021.

The footage, Politico notes, was “was shown in a video shot by the former speaker’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently provided to congressional investigators by HBO.” It was never aired — nor did Alexandra Pelosi provide it to the January 6 Committee when it was supposedly investigating the Capitol riot.

The January 6 Committee also never subpoenaed Speaker Pelosi or her daughter for documents about the riot.

The video substantiates claims by former President Donald Trump that Pelosi was responsible for failing to prepare sufficient security ahead of the protest. Trump offered the National Guard in the days before the “Stop the Steal” rally 6, but was refused.

OBSERVATION - Pelosi scrambled to get on to MSM outlets to ‘correct’ the video, but the damage has been done.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest-ever — a dismal 37.4% — with disapproval at a troubling 56.6, according to tracker and opinion poll analyzer Five Thirty Eight.
The polling shows signs of dwindling support among nonwhite voters, while progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Business Insider reported.
Biden’s approval began the slide after the United States’ tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never recovered.

OBSERVATION - These numbers, as well as other polls, reportedly have caused democrats to go into full freak out mode. It makes their vote stealing efforts much steeper as the country slips into Electoral and probably total vote tsnumani for Trump, knowing full well that his long tails will likely damage their numbers in the House and Senate too.

Illegal Immigration –

Louisiana House has passed a bill that would allow state and local law enforcement to arrest immigrants who have entered the United States illegally.

Fox News obtained an internal Border Patrol memo. It instructs agents in the San Diego sector to release single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere. This order applied to all illegals except for those from six countries. Those would be classified as hard or very hard to remove.
The internal memo was sent out after Biden signed the executive action.

Details in the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli, instructs agents that all single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere are to be processed via “NTA/OR,” which means Notice to Appear/released on Own Recognizance, except for migrants from Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan – which are “mandatory referral” countries.

There are more than 100 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, meaning that despite the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and President Biden’s threats of consequences and promises to remove migrants who cross illegally under the new executive order, the overwhelming majority of the migrants in the San Diego sector are being released into the U.S.

OBSERVATION - With these revelations, biden has just dug himself deeper into a hole on immigration. Immigration is one of the highest concerns for voters and he faces very low approval numbers on it.

The Biden administration is considering a plan to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants who are the spouses of U.S. citizens and give them access to work permits, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.
The sources stressed that the proposal was not final and the timing was fluid. The program, known as “parole in place,” would also make it easier for some undocumented immigrants to get a green card and a path to U.S. citizenship. One of the sources said lawmakers on Capitol Hill had been briefed on the proposal.

A White House spokesperson declined to comment on details.

OBSERVATION - These efforts are designed to thwart as much as possible Trumps declaration of mass deportations by allowing these illegals to tie up their deportations in court, bogging the system down.

North/South Korea –

South Korea’s military Monday said it is detecting signs North Korea is installing its own loudspeakers along their heavily armed border, a day after the South blared anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts over its speakers for the first time in years as the rivals engage in a Cold War-style psychological warfare.
The South’s resumption of its loudspeaker broadcasts on Sunday was in retaliation for the North sending over 1,000 balloons filled with trash and manure over the last couple of weeks.

Russia -


Several Russian warships will arrive in Cuba on June 12, the RIA news agency cited Russian navy commander Alexander Moiseyev as saying Tuesday.
Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive for “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia, Cuban officials said last week.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

OBSERVATION - This flotilla does have the potential of carrying nuclear tipped missiles.

Kerch Bridge update –

Russia has reportedly resumed fuel transportation to the Russian-occupied Crimea, south Ukraine, via a railway bridge across the Kerch Strait. With Ukraine having struck 2 of the roll-on roll-off ship ferries & the ferry dock in Crimea, Russia’s forced to again use its illegal Crimea bridge to bring in military fuel, hardware & supplies.

This move is seen as an act of increasing desperation by Russia to keep its forces in Crimea and southern to southeastern Ukraine supplied.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 80 - 90s and fair.

There are rumors that families of Russian Air Defense soldiers are being told to leave Crimea as Ukraine steps up targeting facilities and systems.

Explosions from unspecified Russian missiles was reported in Dnipro city.

Russian Ministry of Defense claims full occupation of Myasozharivka(Artemivka) village of Luhansk region and Tymkivka village of Kharkiv region.
Russian forces continue attacks along a front stretching from Ocheretyne south to Vuhledar.

Ukraine denies Russian control over Ivanivske village, located east southeast of Chasiv Yar.

Outlook —

Russian offensive is at its high water mark and unless it has substantial reserves floating around out there, they are rapidly losing the ability to press forward in a dominating manner the did at the start of operations. It further seems that Russia has spread its forces across a number of fronts, (such as Kharkiv and now potentially Sumy) and not concentrating to force a more significant breakout.

Ukraine has been very successful in several key, strategic elements that is clearly beginning to show fruit. First is driving the Black Sea Fleet out of the Black Sea - negating the missile carriers and striking the amphibious ships being used to shuttle supplies.

Second is the continued successful attacks on Russian air defense assets such as early warning radars, airborne radar systems, S300 and S400 batteries. Almost daily, even the simplest of Ukraine drones are reported penetrating hundreds of kilometers into Russia to strike their targets. Loss of ADA by Russia is also permitting Ukraine to be more aggressive with the limited air power they have to successfully target key command and logistical targets.

The success in these two areas goes to support Ukrainian ground defense efforts, now rearmed by western countries. I see only limited counter offensives in the future - no major Ukraine offensives over the summer.

I also think that their success in cutting off the roll-on roll-off ship ferries & the ferry dock in Crimea and forcing Russia to rely more on the Kerch Bridge will result in the bridge finally be taken totally off line, making life very hard for Russian forces in Crimea. Ukraine would still have a stiff fight to reach Crimea, but the impact will be signifiant - forcing Russian planners between a rock and a hard place with its gem Crimea being threatened on one hand and sustaining operations in eastern Ukraine to hold territory gained on the other.

Europe / NATO General –

Anarchists and leftists hit the streets of Paris overnight, targeting those thought to be their political opponents following the conservative / right victories in Sunday’s EU elections.

OBSERVATION - Let this be a warning to the US as well after a trump victory in November.


Key overnight developments -

- UNSC approved US resolution calling for a cease fire.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

The U.N. Security Council on Monday approved its first resolution endorsing a cease-fire plan aimed at ending the eight-month Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
The vote on the U.S.-sponsored resolution was 14-0, with Russia abstaining.
The resolution welcomes a cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden that the United States says Israel has accepted. It calls on Hamas, which initially said it viewed the proposal “positively,” to accept the three-phase plan.

Hamas is said to have accepted an U.N. Security Council ceasefire resolution and is ready to negotiate over the details, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday, adding that it was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it.

US State Department: Secretary Blinken discussed with the Israeli Defense Minister the proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza

A Direct Polls survey released on Monday by Israel’s Channel 14 shows that the Likud Party gained a slight tailwind following National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz’s announcement that he was quitting the emergency unity government.
If elections were held today, the Likud Party with Benjamin Netanyahu at its head would win a months-long high of 59 Knesset seats, up one from last week’s Direct Polls survey.
Meanwhile, the center-left bloc weakened, falling to 51 mandates from 53 in the last poll.

The survey asked which leader was best suited to serve as prime minister: Netanyahu or Gantz. Forty-seven percent of the respondents picked Netanyahu compared to 31% for Gantz. Twenty-two percent said neither was suitable.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Continuing clashes between Hamas et al and the Israeli army penetrating the center of the city of Rafah

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

A barrage of some 50 rockets were launched from Lebanon at the central Golan Heights a short while ago, the military says. Air defenses shot down several of the rockets, while the rest impacted open areas, the Israeli army adds

During the night, Israeli Air Force fighter jets attacked a military compound of Unit 4400, the logistical reinforcement unit of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which serves as a factor in transporting weapons to and within Lebanon. In the compound, two centers located in the area of Baalbak in deep Lebanon were attacked. The Israeli airstrikes in the Hermel District of northeastern Lebanon, appear to be in response to numerous Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel over the past day, and the terror group downing an Israeli army drone.

——— FORECAST ————————-

The biden initiative is a nothing burger but concessions to Hamas IMHO. Hamas has already rejected similar in the past and is only now claiming ‘interest’ because of the PR blitz from the Israeli hostage rescue. They see it as a way to deter/delay Israeli operations and use the US as a weapon against Israel.

Gantz’s departure from the war govt has had no immediate positive results for him and his party, in fact may have hurt it. As stated before, this whole thing is an effort to get Netanyahu removed from leadership of the country - plain and simple.

The levels and nature of the combat in Gaza is likely to continue relatively unchanged, with Israel continuing to conduct search and destroy operations with sporadic ‘raids’ to hit Hamas when it tries to reconstitute forces.

I also see pro-hamas ‘protests’ in other countries growing more violent, eschpeially as more pro-Israeli govts take charge in the coming months. Could get very ugly.

Misc of Note –

Being out much of the remainder of this month doesn’t mean that I personally won’t be keeping tabs on the situation, only that I will not be able to have the time or the ability to generate these posts. However, I will be in internet challenged areas which will hamper my own personal efforts.

There are so many hots spots so to speak that require constant monitoring.

- biden law fare against trump

- progress of the Gaza war

- increasing economic instability and potential indicators of a recession or other disaster, such as stagflation or even hyperinflation.

- growth and development of pro-hamas / antifa riot plans for this summer into the elections and beyond

- growing threat from illegals from countries hostile to the US abetting protests, or even committing acts of terror or gross crime in general.

- Out of control escalation of the war in Ukraine, China against Taiwan or Philippines, or Iran stepping back into the Gaza conflict.
There are other flash points embedded in these as well. How close to the edge we are getting will only become clearer over the next days and months.

586 posted on 06/11/2024 6:04:00 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson)
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