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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

A vending machine at the University of Waterloo , Canada, malfunctioned and displayed a rather worrisome error to the users.

Invenda.Vending. FacialRecognition. App.exe — Application Error

No one was aware that the vending machines, which sold snacks like chocolate bars and chips, were using facial recognition software.

Invenda, the company that produces the machines, said,

‘[T]he demographic detection software integrated into the smart vending machine operates entirely locally.’
‘It does not engage in storage, communication, or transmission of any imagery or personally identifiable information,’ it continued.

According to Invenda’s website, the Smart Vending Machines can detect the presence of a person, their estimated age and gender. The website said the ‘software conducts local processing of digital image maps derived from the USB optical sensor in real-time, without storing such data on permanent memory mediums or transmitting it over the Internet to the Cloud.’

And if that’s true, one has to ask:


What’s the point of identifying any of that information about a consumer if it’s not going to be used in some sort of consumer trends analysis? Why would anyone spend that much on facial-identification software just to toss the temporary data?
Even if the data is temporary, recording people without permission violates Canada’s privacy laws.

The university is removing the machines.

OBSERVATION - Facial recognition software has been around for a considerable number of years and is a leading technology for biometric identification for a future digital ID system. Many apps in the world now use (or can use) facial ID and feed the results to their parent companies for assessment. Examples include Apple “Photos” program on computers and the funny ‘games’ on Messenger video calls (ID’s face and places funny images on it).

The implosion of Google “Gemini” AI has pulled back the curtain as to just how sensitive the AI world is and how easy it is to skew the ‘view point’ of such software. AI has generated a revolution in computing that has companies jumping all over it to gain an edge. One can bet that AI can and will be used to control global narratives on multiple issues - in fact the globalists have said as much. Gemini is further insidious in that it is on track to be inserted into all Google products - like the infamous google search. AI fake news items will grow exponentially to the point where it will be difficult to tell truth from AI.
Orwell was prophetic in the warning of the control of the narrative and destruction of history.


BTW, farmer protests continue across Europe with the siege at Brussels of the EU headquarters becoming bigger, with farmers tearing down barriers and spraying riot police with manure.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is initiating Project Tyr, an effort in its infancy to employ Amazon’s artificial intelligence-driven Rekognition cloud service to identify firearms—among other things—and the people associated with them. According to the bureau’s description (on the last page) the software “… offers pre trained and customizable computer vision (CV) capabilities to extract information and insights from lawfully acquired images and videos. Currently in initiation phase to customize to review and identify items containing nudity, weapons, explosives, and other identifying information.”

The news came as a shock to a digital community primarily concerned about privacy and inaccurate facial recognition. Amazon placed a moratorium on law enforcement’s use of Rekognition’s facial recognition software in June 2020, extended the moratorium in 2021 and released a statement explaining the latest FBI effort will only use the program’s other assets.

OBSERVATION - Another round about method that the govt is using to get around the ban on any kind of list of gun ownership. Those the feds are claiming it is for crime prevention - ultimately it will be used to form a basis for forced confiscation and arrests. The regime is not innocent in this effort - disarming a country means they are going to do things that the people don’t want done to them.
The other aspect is the use of facial recognition software to expand the surveillance state, with the future application of social control.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran and with Ramadan beginning March 11th.

This warning UPDATED as of Feb 28, 2024

ELEVATED RISK - Potential military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.

With increasing talk about Hezbollah and Israel kicking off the big one the threat of Iranian cyber attacks on US targets will increase exponentially.


American consumers are feeling less confident this month as concerns over a possible recession grew despite most recent data pointing to a healthy U.S. economy.

The Conference Board, a business research group, said Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell to 106.7 from a revised 110.9 in January. Analysts had been forecasting that the index remained steady from January to February. The decline in the index comes after three straight months of improvement.

The index measures both Americans’ assessment of current economic conditions and their outlook for the next six months.

The index measuring Americans short-term expectations for income, business and the job market fell to 79.8 from 81.5 in January. A reading under 80 often signals an upcoming recession.

Consumers’ view of current conditions also retreated, falling to 147.2 from 154.9.
The decline in consumer confidence this month comes as somewhat of a surprise as the economy continues to show resilience in the face of higher interest rates and inflation.

OBSERVATION - This being a subjective survey does point out the fact that from the point of view of the citizen’s pocket book and spending, things are not as rosy as the regime is trying to paint. The narrative of a ‘resilient’ economy is facing the reality of continued inflation in key sectors - food and housing to name a couple, as well as large, ongoing layoffs and down sizing of businesses.

IN RELATED - During an interview aired on Wednesday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen responded to a question on economic pessimism among Americans by saying that “The pandemic had very significant and lasting impacts…on their lifestyles and attitudes.” And because “some prices that are important to so many Americans” like rent, electricity, and food “are higher than they were before the pandemic” and even though people “are getting ahead” they also “remember that prices were lower. And we’re trying to do everything we can to bring down healthcare costs and other costs that are definite strains on Americans’ budgets.”

Yellen responded, “Well, Americans lived through a lot. The pandemic had very significant and lasting impacts, I think, on their lifestyles and attitudes. Importantly, although inflation has come way down, some prices that are important to so many Americans, like the cost of rent or — and the cost of electricity, food, they’re higher than — those costs are higher than they were before the pandemic. And now, wages are rising more rapidly than prices. So, Americans are getting ahead. But, nevertheless, people remember that prices were lower. And we’re trying to do everything we can to bring down healthcare costs and other costs that are definite strains on Americans’ budgets.”

Macy’s plans on closing 50 stores this year and 100 more by 2026. The 150 store closings represent about 30% of the store’s current number and will leave Macy’s with 350 remaining locations nationwide. This includes its store in San Francisco’s Union Square.

OBSERVATION - Evidence of regimes’ ‘resilient’ economy?


Dates of importance
March 1 - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries

Court Says Pelosi House broke quorum rules and unconstitutionally spent $1.7 Trillion. The Biden administration is unlikely to back down, however, and will surely appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and, after that, seek review by the United States Supreme Court.

OBSERVATION - So what does this actually mean? Does it also mean that every bill “passed” via proxy vote is also illegal? Common sense says yes, but the congress and the WH will do nothing to address this. We have truly become a lawless country.

Mitch McConnell, announced that he will step down from that position in November. Many are noting that this does two things. First, it preemptively strikes at growing dissension over his recent leadership such as the secret border deal that would have codified the continued entrance of nearly two million illegals per year, among other things, and secondly, keeps him in power and capable of trying to sabotage Trump’s president campaign. As a result, many Republican senators are calling for his immediate stepping down as minority leader, so that a new one can get in place and take the reins of both the efforts to retake the senate (which many think McConnell will sabotage) and support the Trump efforts.

RELATED - McConnell to Speaker Johnson is that Ukraine funding is more important than stopping the tsunami of criminally inclined aliens crossing an essentially undefended border.

Kamala Harris says the federal government will now pay college students to register voters in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election.

OBSERVATION - No doubt this voter registration drive will focus on democrats over republicans and at its face is very likely illegal. the regime likely knows this as well but is playing the string out the lawsuit game to get the registration done while any lawsuit drags out in the court system over multiple months, accomplishing the registration goal either way.

On Wednesday, an Illinois judge ruled to have former President Donald J. Trump removed from the state’s ballot. The decision was made based on the “invasion clause” in the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Cook County Judge Tracie Porter put the ruling on hold so Trump can appeal, according to WBEZ Chicago, which means Trump will remain on the ballot until further notice.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, downplayed the decision, attributing it to “an activist Democrat judge in Illinois (who) summarily overruled the state’s board of elections and contradicted earlier decisions from dozens of other state and federal jurisdictions.”

OBSERVATION - SCOTUS is still mulling the verdict from the Colorado case. It is expected that they will rule in favor of Trump, who has not even been charged in a court of law with the crime of insurrection - let alone convicted of such. Again, an activist judge showing that we have become a lawless country.

The Fani Willis - Nathan Wade soap opera continues on and it isn’t looking good for the couple. They have clearly been caught in perjury and it all adds up to a possible set of criminal sanctions against them as well as the dissolving of the court case against Trump.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Dates to watch -
March 7 - State of the union


US President Joe Biden said his annual medical examination had gone well on Wednesday, joking that doctors thought he looked too young as scrutiny increases over the 81-year-old’s age ahead of November’s election.

“They think I look too young,” Biden told reporters when asked if the medical had raised any concerns ahead of a likely rematch with 77-year-old Donald Trump in November.

Biden remains “fit for duty” with no new health worries, his doctor said on Wednesday after the keenly awaited annual examination at the Walter Reed military medical centre.

“He continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations,” White House doctor Kevin O’Connor said in a summary.

OBSERVATION - Of course we believe what they tell us.

Illegal Immigration –

The City of Denver has informed workers that it may be furloughing them—technically still employing them at 0 hours of work—to illegally hire illegal aliens without work permits...
As Denver faces a budget crisis due to 40,000 illegal immigrants arriving in the last year, the city is using its resources to get the migrant population employed, warning hourly workers that they may lose hours to illegal immigrants and using the public school system to help the illegals get work permits, according to emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

Denver’s 9 News reported on Monday that the City of Denver warned its workforce of job cuts, reporting that while the city “says it is NOT laying off employees to pay for the migrant crisis,” it “IS telling hourly employees they may have their hours reduced to zero.” Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) told the outlet that because companies are generally barred from hiring illegal immigrants, the city may simply start hiring illegal immigrants itself — even though that is also illegal.

“If the federal government wants to come down and throw the book at us, we’ll deal with the legal costs,” Hickenlooper said.

OBSERVATION - Liberal Blue cities across the country are starting to significantly cut services and employees in order to throw more money at illegals being placed in their cities. NYC is leading the pack so far., critically planning on removing some 6000 police officers to offset the costs of illegals.

China –

China’s PLA activity around Taiwan for February 2024, involved at least 115 PLA aircraft & 26 balloons entering the Taiwan’s ADIZ. Activity has been ongoing for many years now and has gradually increased in numbers over the past year.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Feb 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks associated with this offensive do not appear to be supportive of each other in a manner but are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed. However, as seen in Avdiivka, when Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses as well.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with 7 Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer).


The Russian Air Force reportedly used their latest Su-57 fighter jets in recent combat operations, targeting Ukrainian military positions in the East of Ukraine.

On February 18, escorted by two Su-35 jets, the Su-57 launched a missile strike on Ukrainian targets. Sources suggest that the aircraft utilized the advanced Kh-69 stealthy cruise missile, specifically designed for the Su-57 platform.

Operating over occupied territory of the Luhansk region, the Su-57 entered Ukrainian airspace under escort and launched the missile. Due to a technical malfunction, the missile missed its target and crashed in a field.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-40 range. No significant precipitation in forecast period.

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Fierce fighting across several fronts as Russian presses to take advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages and improved soil conditions.

Ukrainian Air Forces claim shooting down 2 more Su-34 jets at Mariupol and Bakhmut regions.

It has been estimated that Russia had about 140 Su-34 Fighter Bombers at the start of the war.

+25 Su-34s were lost in 2022 and 2023, and Ukraine has reported shooting down 12 Su-34s within 12 days in 2024

In total, Russia lost about 25% of its Su-34s during the war, and has about 105 Su-34s remaining (on the books anyway). This remaining number is likely on the high side due to many of the planes not being functional due to lack of repair part and even pilots.

Maryinka Axis-

Ukrainian 3rd Assault Brigade repelled Russian infiltration attempt in Krasnohorivka.

Avdiivka -

Ukrainian troops repelled Russian attack at Orlivka village, west of Avdiivka.

Crimean front —

A strong explosion was heard in the Simferopol and Krasnogvardeisky districts, Crimea. Russian ADA units reportedly activated.

Outlook —

Hits against Russia jet fighter/bombers keep coming. Russia push to actually conduct CAS of its ground assault is coming at a high price in the air. What I find interesting is the Russian SU-25 bombers (their A-10 equivalent) are absent from these losses. SU-25 took a lot of heavy hits last year and may be directed to other actions. The Su-34’s carry Russian glide bombs and Russia may be attempting to reach deeper behind Ukraine lines - forcing them to be more exposed to ADA than before.

New to the air war is Russia’s most modern fighter - the stealth Su-57 fighter and use of the equally claimed stealth cruise missile Kh-69. Russia has had a lot of problems with the SU-57 and there are reportedly very few actually in service. This could be an effort to get around the Ukraine ADA shield as well as try to work bugs out of the system, enabling them to get more of these aircraft into the game.

On the ground it is paying an equally high price.

Though pressing Ukraine hard in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka regions, one has to remember - Ukraine still has the home court advantage. Expect these two regions to continue to see the majority of the heaviest actions.

Moldova/Transnistria -

Tensions remain high over Transnistra’s request for Russian “protection” Rumors of military movement in Moldova are largely that at this stage - rumors. Both Russia and the west are playing this situation up for propaganda use. It is questionable just how capable Russia currently is to protect Transnistria at this stage, with the same for any Ukrainian response. Moldova has a minimal military, essentially a large police force. Romania may interject on the side of Moldova given the historic ties between the two.

Belarus -

Anti-Russian monitors of military activity in Belarus do not show signs of any Russian military build up.


Now the war is in its 5th month.

Dates to remember -
Ramadan begins March 11th.

Key overnight developments -

- Hamas rejects latest ceasefire offer.

- Families of victims of the Nova festival file lawsuit against Reuters and AP

- Tensions are increasing between Israel and Hezbollah.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 105 being held hostage in Gaza.


Hamas has rejected the latest ceasefire, hostage exchange proposal

Families of Nova festival victims filed a lawsuit against Reuters and AP: “Those journalists infiltrated Israeli territory alongside Hamas operatives. Nothing can justify someone documenting a heinous crime in real time.” Five families whose children were murdered at the Nova party on October 7th, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday at the Jerusalem District Court against the Reuters and AP news agencies,

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Ongoing search and destroy operations throughout Gaza.

Military sources said that Sinwar had planned to fight from an underground fortified base called “Room 6” - a place equipped for a long stay, with military personnel and communications lines. IDF forces found this bunker and have been exploiting the intelligence from it in its chase of Sinwar. They report evidence suggests that after being flushed out of “Room 6”, Sinwar has been almost constantly on the move to avoid capture.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

WARNING - Even though these reports are listed under RUMINT, the scenarios and current situation strongly suggests that there is a vein of truth to them.

RUMINT. Iran has authorized Hezbollah to escalate operations along Israel border. This directive emerged from a meeting between Iran’s Quds Force commander Esmail Qaani and Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah, driven by Nasrallah’s fears over an impending Israeli invasion.

RUMINT. Military and security sources have indicated both Israel and Hezbollah are preparing for a large-scale conflict.
Israel is reportedly considering a preemptive strike in south Lebanon to “remove Hezbollah from the border.”
In Lebanon, sources report: “Everything is being prepared in the south for war. Arms, defenses, houses, food storage.”

OBSERVATION - Congenitally, in my estimation Israel would be holding back until things have ramped down a bit more in Rafah, placing the window of an Israeli attack down the road a few months. However, I’ve noted probability of a preemptive attack by Hezbollah or a surprise attack by Israel sooner. Israeli rhetoric has been red hot lately and the IAF beginning to put a significant pinch on Hezbollah positions and leadership. Hezbollah is losing in the tit for tat exchange along the border and though it can likely sustain that level of operations for a while, its capability to attack or defend are being erased bit by bit.

RELATED - Jersalem Post reports Israel won’t tolerate continued Hezbollah attacks, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin amid the Biden admiration fears that Israel would launch a summer campaign against the Iranian proxy group.

“The State of Israel will not tolerate threats against its citizens and violations of its sovereignty and will take the measures required to ensure their security,” Gallant said late Wednesday night.
Gallant detailed for Austin the “ongoing attacks conducted by Hezbollah on Israel’s northern communities,” according to the Defense Ministry.

The conversation took place as an anonymous Biden administration official told CNN, “We are operating in the assumption that an Israeli military operation is in the coming months.” The official added that such an attack would not happen “imminently in the next few weeks but perhaps later this spring. An Israeli military operation is a distinct possibility.”

Israel won’t tolerate continued Hezbollah attacks, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin amid the Biden admiration fears that Israel would launch a summer campaign against the Iranian proxy group.
“The State of Israel will not tolerate threats against its citizens and violations of its sovereignty and will take the measures required to ensure their security,” Gallant said late Wednesday night.

Gallant detailed for Austin the “ongoing attacks conducted by Hezbollah on Israel’s northern communities,” according to the Defense Ministry.
The conversation took place as an anonymous Biden administration official told CNN, “We are operating in the assumption that an Israeli military operation is in the coming months.” The official added that such an attack would not happen “imminently in the next few weeks but perhaps later this spring. An Israeli military operation is a distinct possibility.”

Israel is entering a dangerous phase and must exercise the utmost caution during the upcoming Muslim month of Ramadan, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned on Tuesday.

Speaking at a situational assessment in advance of Ramadan at the IDF’s Central Command, Gallant said Israel sees a “growing preoccupation of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas to turn the month of Ramadan into the second phase of October 7 and set fire to the area.”

U.S. intelligence officials and senior members of the Biden administration expressed concern over a possible IDF incursion into Lebanon if diplomatic efforts to remove Hezbollah terrorists from the border fail, CNN reported on Thursday.

“We are operating in the assumption that an Israeli military operation is in the coming months,” one senior Biden administration official said. “Not necessarily imminently in the next few weeks but perhaps later this spring. An Israeli military operation is a distinct possibility.”

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

An Israeli airstrikes this morning targeted a vehicle in area of Qusseir (South-West Homs) as well as buildings in Damascus. One reported dead. This is the second raid in that area in one week. The strike targeted three sites in the Syrian capital including a building that may have been a command center for Iranian militias, the Syrian opposition group Voice of the Capital said on Wednesday evening.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Arrests continue in numerous cities in the West Bank. Associated with those raids, clashes break out between arabs and Israeli security forces.

US State Department: We are ready to hold more individuals accountable regarding extremist violence in the West Bank
NOTE - This is part of a broader effort to stop future Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations. From recent days, considerable tunnel and bunker networks are still being discovered, needing to be cleared and destroyed.
Israel continues to shape the battlefield for its eventual entry into Rafah.

A threshold date of March 11 - the start or Ramadan - is fast approaching. On one hand Israel appears to be ready to enter Rafah by/on that date. On the other hand, Hezbollah may utilize the increased religious fervor to muster a preemptive strike against Israel during that month.

It has been the common consensus that Israel would likely wait until after Rafah operations have spun down before building toward an attack to remove Hezbollah from southern Lebanon. I think the new strategic norm that Israel isn’t going to back down from international condemnation in order to cleanse Hezbollah as a threat is coming to dawn on them and their Iranian masters. Either way, as summer approaches the proximity of an expanded war to the north becomes more and more probable.

Houthi’s have been relatively quiet of the past day or so. I expect that they will resume their efforts to close the Red Sea to shipping.

Iran –

See RUMINT under Israel above - has Iran given the GO order for Hezbollah to go fully to war against Israel.

239 posted on 02/29/2024 8:36:30 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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To: Godzilla
‘[T]he demographic detection software integrated into the smart vending machine operates entirely locally.’ ‘It does not engage in storage, communication, or transmission of any imagery or personally identifiable information,’ it continued.


It's the same old song and dance every time some data collection is exposed, that they were never honest about in the first place.

240 posted on 02/29/2024 8:50:44 AM PST by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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To: Godzilla
No one was aware that the vending machines, which sold snacks like chocolate bars and chips, were using facial recognition software.

Orwell was prophetic in the warning of the control of the narrative and destruction of history.

People who still have their hard cover encyclopedias should consider keeping them safe...

241 posted on 02/29/2024 9:54:38 AM PST by GOPJ (Q. What are the two things Biden finds at ice cream shops? A. Ice cream and young children.)
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To: Godzilla


242 posted on 02/29/2024 1:36:52 PM PST by PGalt (Past Peak Civilization?)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Tempo of craziness has dropped off a little. But don’t expect it to last long.

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

Trudeau’s Liberal justice minister Arif Virani says that putting Canadians under house arrest on suspicion that they may commit a hate crime in the future will “help to deradicalize people who are learning things online.”

OBSERVATION - The globalist test bed to our north tips its hand once again. The left world wide has kept the definition of ‘hate crime’ very loosely defined, granting it almost universal powers for action. Look only to here in the US as similar moves are apparently beginning to gain traction.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

An antifa group - Stop Cop City - is attempting to take their campaign nationwide. Stop Cop is known for its violence and vandalism in an attempt to stop construction of a new police facility in Atlanta.
Stop Cop City announced that they vandalized ten New York Police Department (NYPD) at a precinct in Brooklyn by puncturing vehicle tires and painting “For Tort” on the side of two NYPD buses. Stop cop city anarchists also have hit other targets in other states with vandalism as well.

OBSERVATION - Not a huge movement given the small support base trying to forward among other things defunding the police.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran and with Ramadan beginning March 11th.

This warning UPDATED as of Feb 28, 2024

ELEVATED RISK - Potential military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.

With increasing talk about Hezbollah and Israel kicking off the big one the threat of Iranian cyber attacks on US targets will increase exponentially.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has officially declared an end to the severe drought that disrupted barge transportation along the Mississippi River system for more than a year. Draft restrictions on vessels have been lifted, and dredges no longer operate to maintain nine-foot navigation throughout the Mississippi River. About 589 million tons of cargo transit through more than 4,000 miles of the river’s navigable channels, according to the Corps.

OBSERVATION - A lot depends upon a good snowpack in the Missouri River basin keeping the large flow control reservoirs like Ft. Peck, full of water for the summer thru spring operations.


Dates of importance
March 1 - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries

Transcripts of hunter’s congressional testimony are out - expect all kind of analysis today. Apparently hunter confirmed that his father, Joe, was indeed “the big guy” referenced in an email pertaining to a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy company that made the Biden family and friends millions of dollars.

With the announced retirement of McConnell, several republicans have announced their desire to replace him. Watch FR threads for discussions.
Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), who is not a Trump ally, has a major advantage in the race to replace McConnell due to successful fundraising efforts for the party. Cornyn would very likely continue McConnell’s pattern of resisting “America First” and populist policies.

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) agreed to take up former President Donald Trump’s motion that Trump has total immunity from charges he interfered in the 2020 election. Oral arguments are scheduled for late April, and a ruling is likely by June.

OBSERVATION - This has caused a severe melt down by the left as it torpedos Smith’s efforts to get a trial and a kangaroo court conviction before the elections.

The Democratic-majority U.S. Senate on Thursday approved a short-term stopgap spending bill to avert a partial government shutdown, after the Republican-controlled House of Representatives backed it with less than 36 hours before funding would have begun to run out.

The bill, which passed the Senate in a bipartisan 77-13 vote, will next go to President Joe Biden’s desk for signing into law. It will set deadlines to fund one part of the government by March 8 and the other portion by March 22.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Dates to watch -
March 7 - State of the union


biden dodged questions during ‘border’ visit.

Illegal Immigration –

biden and Trump visited TX yesterday. biden to Brownsville and Trump to Eagle Pass. Border patrol agents coldly received biden and the location of brownsville only very slight impacted by the border invasion. Trump OTOH visit to one of the epicenters of the tsunami even saw him waving to illegals on the other side of the river.

Texas bill making illegal border crossing an arrestable state offense BLOCKED by federal judge pending appeal.

The Biden White House is now referring to illegal immigrants as “newcomers.” This tips the hand of democrats ultimate goal of importing millions of new democrats - essentially establishing a progressive - communistic US for decades at least.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Feb 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks associated with this offensive do not appear to be supportive of each other in a manner but are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed. However, as seen in Avdiivka, when Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses as well.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with 7 Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer).



Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the West threatens nuclear war if the alliance sends troops to Ukraine.
During his State of the Union address on Thursday, Putin claimed NATO and the US are preparing to “strike Russian territory”.
He added: “They must realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they get that?”
This isn’t the first time Putin has threatened nuclear war with the West in recent years as Moscow and Washington continue to clash over the war in Ukraine.
Putin also claimed that his new RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile is ready for the Russian military to use.

RUMINT. After the loss of more than a dozen combat aircraft, Russia has apparently grounded its remaining A-50 AWACs aircraft. It is reported that Russian A-50 crew members are now calling in sick. It has been nearly a week since an A-50 has been detected in the region flying a mission.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-40 range. No significant precipitation in forecast period.

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Fierce fighting across several fronts as Russian presses to take advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages and improved soil conditions.

Surprisingly quiet overnight as compared to the past couple weeks. Russian and Ukrainian sources both confirm that Ukrainian troops have advanced west inside Krynky towards Kozachi Laheri. This move expands the Dniiper River bridgehead.

Again, the most significant fighting continues around Avdiivka and Bakhmut.

Outlook —

Notable is the prolonged absence of A-50 AWAC aircraft into the Ukraine theatre of operations. This follows substantial losses of fighter / bomber jets as well. Some discussion floating around the OSINT crowd suggest that Russia’s substantial use of these fighter / bombers to support ground operations may represent a desperate attempt to get as much gain on the ground before Ukraine gets it F-16s and potential other advanced European jets to seal off further air threats. It is obvious that Russian has changed its use, placing these aircraft into a more exposed and hostile situation, lacking suppression of ADA assets.

Now add to this the loss of AWAC coverage and combat control, making CAS even more hazardous. OS imagery of a major air base that houses the A50 show only 5 aircraft on the tarmac and a 6th without engines. Two previously occupied slots are empty - suspected aircraft that have been shot down. Don’t want to be too redundant, but the remaining 5 aircraft noted may not be flight capable - due to repair part shortages. Similar shortages have been plaguing Russian civilian airlines over the past couple months, resulting in some crashes and ground incidents. A second question is does Russia have the trained crews to even man these planes? Given Russia’s manpower challenges to support the war so far, the answer is likely to be a Yes.

Watching ground action to see if the heavy Russian losses are beginning to slow their offensive actions or not. So far it appears that Russian is beginning to repeat the failures of previous operations, but this remains to be seen.

Moldova/Transnistria -

Tensions still high, pending a Russia response to the call for aid by Transnistria.

Europe / NATO General –

Broadly, NATO is waking up to the increasing likely hood that war with Russian will reach them in the next few years and they are scrambling to prepare for it.


Now the war is in its 5th month.

Dates to remember -
Ramadan begins March 11th.

Key overnight developments -

- Gazans injured and killed in a frenzy of looting relief aid trucks.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 105 being held hostage in Gaza.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday said the killing of over 100 people seeking humanitarian aid in Gaza was a situation that would require an effective independent investigation.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari unveiled a video of drone footage showing Gazans ambushing an aid truck carrying food and getting trampled to death during the looting; ‘Dozens of Gazans were killed and injured as a result of the stampede’ “As these vital humanitarian supplies made their way toward Gazans in need, thousands of Gazans ambushed the trucks, some began violently pushing and trampling other Gazans to death, looting the humanitarian supplies,”

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-
Ongoing search and destroy operations throughout Gaza. Some troop rotations ongoing, bringing in fresh forces.

IDF continuing to encounter small pockets of Hamas who they quickly eliminate.

Battlefield preparations to enter Rafah continue.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

The Lebanese Foreign Minister: The government is consulting with Hezbollah, and the consultation is binding and does not mean there is a final decision
NOTE - the nature of this ‘consultation’ is not mentioned, but suspect it has to do with potential militarily cooperation when war starts with israel.

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

A suspected Israeli attack against the Syrian city of Baniyas has killed Iranian military “advisor” Reza Zarei, a member of the IRGC’s Navy, Iran’s state-run media reported

———WEST BANK——————————-

Arrests continue in numerous cities in the West Bank. Associated with those raids, clashes break out between arabs and Israeli security forces.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

The Houthi leader threatens “military surprises and unexpected actions” in the Red Sea

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations. From recent days, considerable tunnel and bunker networks are still being discovered, needing to be cleared and destroyed.

Israel continues to shape the battlefield for its eventual entry into Rafah.

Houthi come back on the radar threatening “military surprises and unexpected actions”. A warning of asymmetrical combat. Probably the most ‘unexpected’ action would be the use of Iranian produced submarine drones - hard to detect and stop. Surface drones are another possibility if they can identify cargo vessels that are away from surface combatant protection. Another possibility is the beefing up of Houthi air defense readiness. Coalition jets are convention - not stealth - and could be increasingly vulnerable to air defense actions.

Still, the only really legitimate response to the Houthi threats are to bomb the living daylights out of them and keep them having to respond by moving their elements around to avoid detection and destruction. Waiting for Houthis to resume attacks is not the correct answer.

243 posted on 03/01/2024 6:40:43 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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