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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024


See “CW2 / Domestic violence” below on an apparent button push to trigger islamic actions to undercut western civilization - seemingly coordinated on a global basis.

A recent article in “The New Scientist” appears to be endorsing cannibalism. The article calls upon readers to “reassess our views” on cannibalism based on “compassionate” motivations behind it — this is an appeal back to folklore and superstition.

“The New Scientist — a mindless rebellion against a Western culture they hate. And this is no different than the anti-modern progressivism of the past 60 years; it’s an outshoot of self-loathing Malthusianism, in which progressive Utopians want to force a return to agrarian subsistence-level living for a greatly reduced human population. That irrational belief system has turned into a neo-pagan religion of its own, with an Angry Earth Mother That Must Be Appeased through sacrifice. The more honest among them will set the goal at around one billion humans to keep Gaia from overheating, a figure that would eliminate six out of every seven humans currently on the planet.

“Reassessing” cannibalism on the basis of “compassion” would certainly accelerate their progress to that goal, no? You could deconstruct Western civilization more quickly by reinstituting human sacrifice, and clean up afterward by putting man-flesh back on the menu, boys! And guess who’d be on that menu? Hint: It wouldn’t be the enlightened elites who sneer at the herd. “
“Ask not for whom the dinner bell tolls .. it tolls for thee.”
“Progressivism isn’t just a philosophy or ideology. It’s a cookbook!”

OBSERVATION - As absurd as this all sounds, the logic presented does have support by the WEF/globalist and their agenda to wipe out norms of western civilization while at the same time, tilling the ground in the minds of the world in preparation for the apparent designed famine the anti-agricultural efforts of the WEF et al have to lower carbon emissions. This is a very stunning admission as to some of the “conspiracy theory” behind the curtain.
Perhaps the Soylent Green jokes are not as unrealistic as the globalists want us to think.

Perhaps a little related - Farmers continue their protests all across Europe against global warming mandates designed to essentially eliminate farms for the sake of emission goals.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Showdown in TX continues. The beacons of Gondor are lit ! !

ProHamas protests have progressively down scaled over the past few weeks, as energy and enthusiasm declines. There is still a hardcore faction that targets specific events for disruption.

At this time, it is unclear how the movement will morph as the general election gets closer. I would suspect that when Israel finally engages Hezbollah in the fight to end all fights, these pro-hamas folk will morph into pro-hezbollah riots once again - exhibiting anti-Israeli bent of the radical left.

Speaking of Islamic protests, though the ground zero is presently Europe, the meteoric rise in moslem fanaticism across the board is tightly linked to the Gaza war as a triggering mechanism. The cultural distractive mechanisms that these ‘immigrants’ have brought with them is rapidly forcing the culture to not only tolerate - but now to actively support these islamic radicals. Not even Japan is exempt, as moslems that have been brought into the country to work the factories, etc are becoming more aggressive against Japanese in public. Assaults and vandalism have skyrocketed in recent months.

This should serve as a warning for us here in the US as the leftist city/state and even fed govt are increasingly supportive of the push of radical islamic effort to reshape the country. This moslem take over of parts of the country is being further facilitated by the vast uncounted thousands of moslems that have broken into the country and burying themselves into prepared moslem communities. Minnesota being one of the prime epicenters.

This growing islamic push is creating another fracture line in the structure of the country. By and large, they see violence as a tool by which to get their way with govt - and judging from global actions, we are just beginning to see the leading edges of its efforts here in the US.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran.
This warning renewed as of Feb 6, 2024

ELEVATED RISK - Potential military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.



The EPA finalized air pollution standards that create more stringent limits for soot exposure, as it is called. This despite a 42% decrease in the national average over the last 22 years, according to the agency’s own data.

“It’s going to hurt economies. It’s going to hurt manufacturing. It’s a real problem,” Daren Bakst, senior fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), told Just The News.

The Clean Air Act requires the EPA every five years to do a complete review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common pollutants, which includes particulate matter.

The new standards lowered the fine particulate matter from 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air to 9 micrograms per cubic meter. That means under the new standards, in one cubic foot of air, there can only be 0.00000026 grams of particulate matter.

OBSERVATION - Cross reference under “Globalism / Great Reset “ as well
The iron fist of regulations works to by pass congress and the will of the people. These numbers are so stupidly small that they are at the very edges of detection. They will destroy the diesel industry as well as coal power - that is their intentions.

Another sign may have emerged suggesting that Joe Biden’s efforts to blackmail the country into switching to electric vehicles are failing. Ford Motor Company had already significantly decreased its production of the F-150 Lightning electric trucks earlier this year. Now they have halted shipments of the trucks. A statement from the company claims that the pause in shipments was driven by unspecified “quality issues.” But that’s a curious explanation considering that they simultaneously resumed shipments of their gas-powered trucks. (Fortune Magazine)

OBSERVATION - Hard, cold facts of the economy have caught the auto industry flat on their feet. In spite of the thousands of tax dollars subsidies, they can’t move the merchandize and are taking billions of dollars in losses. Now it appears that the regime is back pedaling on its aggressive all EV demands.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The US Department of Defense has identified the balloon as being a hobbyist balloon, and has stated that it poses no known national security threat.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

Rutgers University students for now will have no choice but to comply with the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, a federal appeals court ruled.
The Feb. 15 decision stemmed from an appeal filed in January 2023 by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and 13 students who sued Rutgers in August 2021, arguing the mandate violated the students’ “basic right to control our bodies.”
Julio C. Gomez, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Defender that CHD and the students “are considering all options, including further appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
In its ruling, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Rutgers had a rational basis for the mandate as part of efforts to curb the pandemic on campus.

OBSERVATION - The Wuhan tyranny continues deeply embedded on colleges and universities across the country. Insulated from state laws, universities tend to be self contained and not answerable to the population. The decision is being appealed.


Dates of importance
March 1 - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries
Nikki Haley got blown out of the water in her home state primary. Yet she doggedly claims to continue.

Illegal Immigration –

See CW2 on Texas standoff.


The Border Patrol released more illegal aliens onto the streets of an already-overwhelmed San Diego, California on Friday, at the same time that a “welcome center” for immigrants was forced to shut down because it ran out of funding, due to the surge.

“The Border Patrol bus released approximately 200 migrants onto the streets in San Ysidro, where they were then handed over to a non-governmental organization for help,” Fox News reported Friday.

The release of illegal immigrants on Friday is the latest instance of ongoing Border Patrol releases into San Diego.

In just one five-week period late last year, nearly twenty thousand migrants were dropped off in San Diego, local station CBS 8 reported on October 18, 2023:

Border Patrol encounters between ports of entry in San Diego Sector are up 73.8% through the first four months of the current fiscal year (Oct. 2023-Jan. 2024), surging to 120,124 from 69,117 in the same period last year. In each month, the number of encounters was at least sixty percent higher than the same month year-ago.

OBSERVATION - What is not mentioned by the article is that the increase of illegals entering kalifornia has been made worse by TX stiffening its border defenses causing illegals to enter via the democrat controlled states of NM, AZ and CA. Also noted it that the drop-off location was a bus depot - where these illegals can head across the country with no accountability.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Feb 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks associated with this offensive do not appear to be supportive of each other in a manner but are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed. However, as seen in Avdiivka, when Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses as well.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with 7 Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer).

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-40 range. No significant precipitation in forecast period.

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Weather continues to dominate action on the ground. However, temperatures are reaching levels around Ukraine that are starting to freeze the ground locally, meaning that ground operations may have their tempo increase over the coming days/weeks.

Yesterday marked the second anniversary of the war. Russia celebrated with a big fireworks show in Moscow. Recent successes in the winter/spring offensive have locally boosted Russian morale.

Apparently now a Russian IL-22M11 was shot down at the same time as the A-50U on February 23, 2024. I am suspicious of this claim as it may be an echo of last months’ IL-22/A50 confirmed shoot down.

Robotyne Axis -.

Russian mechanized Infantry entered the city of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia Region, with Ukrainian forces reportedly withdrawing from a majority of town as well as several communities to the east in order to secure a fortified defensive line to the north.
Robotyne was the most significant town recaptured during Ukraine’s summer/fall offensive.

Avdiivka -
Russian efforts continue to press forward as Ukraine works to reestablish defensed west of the fallen town.

Outlook —

Weather and mud conditions are continuing to dictate ground operations, which are at a low level due to lack of maneuverability cross country and on dirt roads due to the mud.

Russia continues to press the offensive also multiple axis, seeing their biggest successes on the Avdiivka and Robotdyne axises. Point to not that the Robotdyne push may come sputtering to a halt as Russian forces encounter the same obstacles -now probably reinforced by Ukraine, that hindered the Ukraine offensive. Those defensive positions essentially forced dismounted infantry to press forward to clear lanes for armor follow up. time will tell if the Russian forces have the same technical skills and will to fight through these defenses.

Lack of artillery and other ammo has reached super critical levels. Were Ukraine to have had the ammo supply it had months ago, the Russian offensive would have been seriously blunted. Now Russia had regained a favored artillery advantage and is able to cover its troops better and with less fear of the Ukraine counter battery fire. Until this supply issue is resolved, Russia will continue to slowly make gains. But the tenacious Ukrainian defense is capable of preventing any major breakout.

Europe / NATO General –

Big buzz over the inter webs yesterday of this event -

A reportedly “Rare Sighting Of The UK Kings Guardsmen Regiment marching down the mall Westminster”: The presence of the King’s Guardsmen regiment marching down the Mall in Westminster signifies a display of honor, tradition, and protection associated with the monarchy. It could symbolize the king’s authority and the ceremonial representation of power.

“White Horse Comes Out When The King Is There (But Charles Was Not There)”: The appearance of a white horse when the king is present, although not in the case of Charles, could symbolize purity, nobility, and strength. It may represent the king’s connection to divinity or the idea of a chosen leader.

“2 Black Horse Guardsmen Escort The Kingdom’s Flag Which Is Covered In Black”: The presence of two black horse guardsmen escorting the kingdom’s flag covered in black might signify mourning, loss, or a somber occasion. It could suggest a significant event or tragedy within the kingdom, such as the passing of an important figure or a period of national grief.

The significance of what this sighting signifies exactly Is not clear, but apparently it is rare. Has anyone seen another explanation?

IDK, could it be associated with these recent events?

Just days ago, numerous British MP’s expressed their fear of voting against a Gaza ceasefire as a mob of mostly Muslim protesters swarmed the Houses of Parliament.

The protesters projected the Hamas slogan “From the River to the sea” onto the Big Ben clock as the vote was set to take place before it was aborted.

Thousands of security cameras are also set to be installed to protect Members of Parliament near their homes.

All MP’s have also been issued with security guards when they do public meetings with their constituents.

It is becoming apparent that there is a ‘soft’ civil war brewing in Britain as these islamic invaders are set on bringing down the culture and rule of law.

Pakistan –

See Iran below on special ops raid


Now the war is in its 5th month.

Dates to remember -
Ramadan begins March 11th.

Key overnight developments -

- Plans for the operation in Rafah going forward

- US/UK jets targeted a number of Houthi sites in order to reduce their capabilities to continue shipping attacks.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 105 being held hostage in Gaza.


Fatah Movement: There is no talk with Hamas about joining the PLO and the priority is to stop the war

The Israeli war cabinet decided to send a delegation to Doha in the coming days for follow up talks on the humanitarian aspects of the hostage deal, a source familiar with the issue told. He said the talks will be technical & the Israeli delegation will have a limited mandate

In an unprecedented development, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh’s government could resign within two days in the hopes of creating a new technocratic Palestinian government, it was reported early on Sunday.

According to Sky News Arabia, Palestinian sources are reporting on the possibility that the government of the PA, headed by Shtayyeh, could resign within days and, in its stead, form a new professional technocratic one before the end of this week.

These developments come in light of news last week that Hamas had approved the formation of a technocratic government whose mission is to rebuild Gaza and restore security to the Strip after the war. Sky News Arabia has reported that there are indications from within Hamas that it has agreed to the formation of a technocratic government.

Reports state that the new government will not be affiliated with any Palestinian political party, where professional independents will take over government management during an initial transitional phase until elections can be held at a later time.

OBSERVATION - Some view this as a means to secure a separate palestinian ‘state’.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Ongoing search and destroy operations throughout Gaza. Reports of more mass surrenders of Hamas and affiliated fighters. Also more reports of Hamas popping back up in N Gaza into areas previously cleared by IDF.

Israeli troops captured terrorists who tried to hide among civilians being evacuated from combat zones in western Khan Yunis, the military said on Sunday morning.

Netanyahu is planning today (Sunday) to present plans for the IDF attack in Rafah, amid mounting international pressure for an immediate ceasefire.
“I will convene the Cabinet to approve the operational plans for action in Rafah, including the evacuation of the civilian population,” the prime minister tweeted.
“Only a combination of military pressure and firm negotiations will lead to the release of our hostages, the elimination of Hamas and the achievement of all the war’s objectives,” he added.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Continued strike/counter strike actions along the Lebanese border. Israel does continue to target significant Hezbollah targets such as ammo facilities and command/control centers as part of its retaliatory strikes.

Four rockets were fired from Lebanon at the Galilee Panhandle a short while ago, apparently landing in open areas, according to the Israeli army. The projectiles landed near Margaliot, and there were no reports of damage or injuries. Hezbollah claims responsibility for the attack, saying it targeted an army base in the area

The IDF on Saturday struck a weapons storage facility belonging to the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon.
“Earlier today, an IDF aircraft identified a terrorist cell entering a Hezbollah weapons storage facility in the area of Matmoura,” the IDF confirmed. “A short while after, IDF fighter jets struck the weapons storage facility where the terrorists were located.”
“Following the strike, secondary explosions occurred, indicating that large quantities of weapons were stored there.”

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Lebanese media reports that a truck was hit by an Israeli strike near Qusayr along the Syrian-Lebanese border. Two members of Hezbollah may have been killed, per initial reports.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Arrests continue in numerous cities in the West Bank. Associated with those raids, clashes break out between arabs and Israeli security forces.
Israeli security forces have arrested at least 15 Palestinians since yesterday evening

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

The U.S. and UK with support from coalition countries have carried out strikes on more than a dozen targets in 5 locations in Houthi controlled territories of Yemen. The targets include weapons storage facilities, drone & missile launchers, two U.S. officials said

The American bombing targeted a number of sites in the capital, Sana’a, and Amran Governorate, with a number of raids, the most important of which are: Sana’a; Mount Attan; Jabal al-Nahdain-Ghartin; Maintenance camp; Khashm Al-Bakra Camp - Saraf - Ghartin; Television Ocean - Ghartin Imran; Mount Dhin-Ghartin.

The Pentagon said that Saturday’s strikes were”necessary and proportionate strikes “

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations across Gaza. Fighting to continue to be locally intense across all Gaza as Hamas and affiliate cells are discovered and neutralized as well as of the couple hundred miles of tunnels are uncovered and destroyed.

The US / UK attacks on Houthi targets were very limited. If such strikes are going to make a difference, they should continue and intensify and not let up for much longer time. Houthi will just dust themselves off and in a few days, the volume of attacks will be back as before.

Iran –

Iran special forces have carried out a cross-border raid into Pakistan during which they killed Ismail Shah Baksh, a leader of Jaish al-Adl and a number his supporters.

OBSERVATION - There are so many smaller islamic groups throughout the region. However, Pakistan and Iran have been seeing increasing aggression towards each other’s territory that this my grow into a more severe conflict down the road.

Misc of Note –

I commented on the need for radio comms to keep family/friends/support groups connected. I want to add one other radio related item to the mix - standard AM/FM and short wave radios.

It is important to get outside news and updates during a crisis. As most radio stations that are serious about news and emergency preparedness have some sort of power backup having a radio of some sort is essential.

You can get a combination radio that includes short wave (HF) comms as well. Not too expensive either. For example, shortwave allows news sources like the BBC to reach into the US with news you might not otherwise have. When I was a kid, centuries ago, I had a portable AM/FM radio and phonograph with short wave and remembering tuning in to listen to these shortwave stations.

Don’t be information / intelligence starved in an emergency where the internet (via wifi, cell phones or the like) is down. Your life could depend upon it.

227 posted on 02/25/2024 7:59:58 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 222 | View Replies ]

To: Godzilla
The Border Patrol released more illegal aliens onto the streets of an already-overwhelmed San Diego, California on Friday, at the same time that a “welcome center” for immigrants was forced to shut down because it ran out of funding, due to the surge.

The open border thing's insane... and needs to be continually outed.

...shortwave allows news sources like the BBC to reach into the US with news you might not otherwise have. When I was a kid, centuries ago, I had a portable AM/FM radio and phonograph with short wave and remembering tuning in to listen to these shortwave stations. Don’t be information / intelligence starved in an emergency...

Any recommendations of an AM FM SW radio that actually picks up SW stations? Or what to google to fine one? Never found one that works - or is that an antenna problem?

228 posted on 02/25/2024 8:38:14 AM PST by GOPJ (Democrat superdelegates created to stop the 'black community' from electring the 'wrong person'...)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 227 | View Replies ]

To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024


Google Gemini made a belly flop into the computer world over the past weeks and there is no real effort to correct its unbelievable bias any time soon. As it will be linked into the massive Google network, its bias will expand exponentially - along with it the malinformation (vs misinformation) the mind-numbed sheeple will encounter. This is just the kind of Orwellian tool the globalists want.

Christine LeGarde, a globalist French politician who has been president of the European Central Bank since 2019, has recently announced that the European Union is getting closer to launching its new central bank digital currency.

Analysts are pointing out the key to the coming digital system. They will tokenize your assets. The other part of the deal is that they will also tokenize your existence through the issuance of a digital ID. Any asset, living or nonliving, can be tokenized.

What is a digital token?
Wireless token technology has been around since 2008. A wireless token is like a serial number printed on a dollar bill, including a series of letters and numbers, only with tokenization those letters and numbers can change every ten seconds. These changes provide authentication.

At some point they will engineer a switcheroo, offering you X amount of tokenized assets in return for your paper dollars.

OBSERVATION - There are many scenarios for a driver to CBDC and eventual social status controlled global digital currencies. Many of the scenarios are based upon a global economic disaster driving the switch to digital. This one matches more the policies of incrementalism that has bore fruit for the left for the past couple decades. Small changes, not big enough to cause disturbances in the “force” so to speak and generate push back, but allow the sheeple to readjust to the new way of doing business, then the next step - etc, until the ultimate goal is reached.

IMHO, we are seeing multiple scenarios due to the fact that the globalists want to have alternatives and back up plans should something pop up that is out of their control, they can still redirect to their ultimate goal(s).

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Showdown in TX continues. The beacons of Gondor are lit ! !

The Temecula Valley Unified School District, though a relatively small school system (approximately 26,000.students), has just made a huge difference in the lives of every family in the country that believes in parental choice and in preventing the promotion of the Critical Race Theory agenda.

In 2022, TVUSD chose to take on the dominant leftist politics of California through two courageous actions. They banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their schools and required school staff members to notify parents immediately if any student identifies as a gender other than the one on their birth certificate. This policy is nearly identical to policies previously approved by both the Chino Valley and Murrieta Valley School Districts in California.

The reaction was as could be expected. California Attorney General Rob Bonta opened an investigation, followed by a lawsuit being served on TVUSD by the Temecula Valley Educators Association and a group of political activists. This group of activists asked for an immediate injunction against TVUSD. On Friday, February 23, a California court ruled in favor of TVUSD. The court affirmed the district’s parental notification policy as well as their policy of prohibiting the teaching of CRT.

OBSERVATION - Normally, this item would have been considered under the long obsolete term - “Culture Wars”. However this has merged into many other categories and in this case a developing issue in the growing CW2. Temecula is a very red, rural area of Kalifornia and like other red counties, have been fighting its political war against blue democrats in Sacramento. The growing divide in Kalifornia indicates that if a nation - wide separation of sorts occurs, it will not be clean red state vs blue state, given vast tracts of land in these blue states that are heavily aligned with other red states. If anything, these red counties will likely bear the heaviest portions of any conflict as the blue urban areas that dominate state politics seek to obtain resources for their sustainment of their populations with the red counties seeking to contain the mobs that would likely try to move out an into the counties to take by force.

Far-left pro-Palestine protesters confronted attendees arriving at the Beverly Wilshire hotel where there was an event featuring former speaker pelosi.

OBSERVATION - This is an example of the smaller scale protests I talked about in a previous post. Again, what is interesting here is the attack by these associated pro-islamic leftists on a leftist herself. This is not unlike the Antifa attacks on the mayor of Portland for not supporting their cause enough. These leftist (and islamist sympathizers) demand old guard democrats to dump their support of Israel.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran.
This warning renewed as of Feb 26, 2024

ELEVATED RISK - Potential military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.



Some analysts are noting increasing parallels to the great recession of 2008 and 2009. One indicator is foreclosures are really starting to spike here in 2024. In fact, the number of new foreclosure filings in the U.S. just jumped 10 percent in the recent month. Hand in hand are commercial foreclosures that are increasing as well.

As I’ve noted a lot, the housing market is a window to the health of the economy as a whole, as it touches many sectors as well as being a major employer. At present, very few can afford a new home, let alone a used home - both for the price as well as mortgage payments. And this also reflects across the economy as to how people are faring under the conditions. Over all prognosis is not very good for the short or medium term IMHO


Dates of importance
March 1 - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries

NY Post reports that Ronna McDaniel has officially announces her resignation as RNC chair to be effective March 8th.

OBSERVATION - This will trigger to a degree a small civil war within the RNC, given that there are many RINO anti-trumpers in the hierarchy. Hopefully, a replacement that has the view of the majority of the republican party in mind, and not the aristocracy of the establishment in mind, willing to take the fight to the democrats rather than be Wilber Milktoast.

The handwriting is on the wall - Koch network stops spending on Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign after her loss in South Carolina — Politico

See biden - johnson meeting on budget below under ‘biden’

Biden / Harris Watch –

Dates to watch -
March 7 - State of the union


Biden is expected to meet with congressional leaders including Speaker Johnson today in a bid to unlock billions in financial aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and to avert a government shutdown.

OBSERVATION - I do not hold out much for this meeting. Missing from the WH release is any talk about really securing the border. If brought up biden will push for more money to ‘process’ illegals as well as throw at those here to keep them pacified for the moment. Johnson is under great pressure to force biden to close the border. Irresistible force meeting immovable object? I think Johnson has a high probability of folding and in doing so see his seat vacated. This would toss the House into convulsions given that there is even a smaller majority of republican than last time due to retirements and expulsions. There is still the specter of rino congressional members voting for a democrat speaker candidate which would really mess things up going into the elections. Top this off by blowing away the March 1 deadline for the budget, generating a partial govt shutdown. It could get really messy fast.

Illegal Immigration –

See CW2 on Texas standoff.


Venezuela is reportedly refusing to accept its citizens who have been deported from the U.S. and Mexico, further forcing illegal immigration as a key issue in the 2024 presidential race.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro introduced the ban after D.C. reimposed some economic sanctions it had previously lifted on the Central American country, according to a report last week in The Wall Street Journal.
About 13% of all U.S. Customs and Border Protection encounters this fiscal year have been with Venezuelan nationals for a total of more than 160,000 encounters, per government data. That number is likely higher as CBP has yet to release data for the month of February.

Fewer than 2,000 Venezuelan migrants have returned to their home country over the past four months, according to NewsNation. Venezuela has rejected all U.S. deportation flights over the past four weeks due to American sanctions on state-owned mining companies. The U.S. had lifted those sanctions after Maduro promised free and fair elections, which have not been held.

OBSERVATION - Venezuela emptied its prisons and sent the criminals northward to the US. Deliberate and with the knowledge of the US govt, who have willingly ‘processed’ them into the US to prey on US citizens. Note the Venezuelan gangs operating in New York and the recent murder of a young college woman by a Venezuelan who was captured at at the border and released, arrested in New York and released only to kill.
The refusal of illegals only leads to one thing protective of Americans - the establishment of interim prison facilities to hold these arrestees until they can be pumped out of country towards Venezuela in some manner.

The aftermath of a record-high influx of migrants coming into the country via the southern border is straining budgets in some of the nation’s big cities — and putting pressure on the federal government to chip in.

This stress on blue cities could well be a killer political ad for Trump, who can point out the crime and cost problems, in comparison to the cheap fix of completion of the border fence.

China –

China sends warships to Middle East, not in support of allied efforts against Houthi’s but more against piracy from Somalia.

China’s Communist party has sharpened its rhetoric towards Taiwan, raising the pressure on the country as its president-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office in May.

Wang Huning, China’s most senior official in charge of Taiwan policy after President Xi Jinping, said Beijing “must resolutely fight ‘Taiwan independence’ separatism”, according to an official account of the party’s annual Taiwan work conference, which ended in Beijing on Friday.

China must also “further grasp the strategic initiative to achieve the complete unification of the motherland”, the state news agency Xinhua quoted Wang as saying.

Political analysts said Wang’s language was markedly tougher than pronouncements from last year’s conference, and confirmed expectations that Beijing would step up efforts to push Taiwan into acquiescing to unification after Lai’s victory in the January 13 presidential election.

OBSERVATION - The tougher language is expected due to the win by Lai Ching-te’s coalition. It also marks a step closer to a potential move against Taiwan in a more aggressive manner.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Feb 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks associated with this offensive do not appear to be supportive of each other in a manner but are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed. However, as seen in Avdiivka, when Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses as well.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with 7 Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer).



Putin once again is threatening NATO with nuclear war if Ukraine gains membership and NATO forces are stationed there.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-40 range. No significant precipitation in forecast period.

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Weather continues to dominate action on the ground. However, temperatures are reaching levels around Ukraine that are starting to freeze the ground locally, meaning that ground operations may have their tempo increase over the coming days/weeks.

Ukrainian air defense shot down 9 of 14 Shahed drones, 3 of 3 Kh-59 missiles, also Russia launched 2 S-300 missiles, Iskander-M ballistic missile and Kh-31P missile.

Maryinka Axis-
Russian Ground Forces are claiming to have made significant advances to the north of Marinka in the Donetsk Region, with heavy fighting reported as Russian mechanized elements are claimed to have entered the outskirts of the City of Krasnohorivka from the south and east.

Bakhmut -
Russian forces pressing attacks to the southwest of Bakhmut.

Avdiivka -
Ukrainian Forces have withdrawn from Lastochkyne village, to hold Orlivka-Tonenke-Berdychi line of defense. Russia now claims control of the city. Essentially, Ukraine is allowing the salient to collapse to shorten its defensive lines.

Outlook —

Ukraine is struggling on several fronts to contain Russia advances, due largely to lack of artillery ammo. The superiority of Ukrainian artillery support has been a cornerstone of their defenses since early in the war when they were down 10:1. Now roughly 3:1 with higher Russian support along axis, it it hard to maintain its positions.

One game changer is the Kersch Bridge - one of the primary lifelines of supplies to Russian forces.. Taking it out would force supplies to come in from the east along more exposed routes or ferried across the Sea of Azov in naval landing ships and other cargo vessels.

Another strategic game changer is the receipt and use of Iranian long range missiles that are forcing the wests’ hands on getting similar to Ukraine. Only time will tell.

Europe / NATO General –

New data show that Russia is engaging in GPS jamming in the area of the Kirkenes Airport, Norway practically every day now. There have been 44 cases so far this year.
Russia recently threatened Norway over Svalbard Islands.


Now the war is in its 5th month.

Dates to remember -
Ramadan begins March 11th.

Key overnight developments -

- IAF strikes hit large Hezbollah ammo storage sites.

- Airstrikes on Houthi targets yesterday have slowed shipping attacks for the moment.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 105 being held hostage in Gaza.

A woman kidnapped from Israel and brought to Gaza by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 has given birth while in captivity, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a letter released on Wednesday by the premier’s office. The woman who gave birth in Gaza was reportedly a foreign worker in one of the Israeli towns bordering the Hamas-run coastal enclave until her Oct. 7 abduction.

“One of the kidnapped women was pregnant. She gave birth to her baby in Hamas captivity,” Sara Netanyahu wrote in a heartfelt letter addressed to US First Lady Jill Biden.

The Biden administration asked Israel to stop targeting members of the Hamas-run civilian police force who escort aid trucks in Gaza, warning that a “total breakdown of law and order” is significantly exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the enclave, three U.S. and Israeli officials told Axios.
U.S. officials say they are increasingly concerned “that Gaza is turning into Mogadishu” as a security vacuum and desperation have opened the door for armed gangs to attack and loot aid trucks, putting even more pressure on the Strip’s already strained humanitarian system.

OBSERVATION - Hamas morphs into what ever form necessary to survive. Dress up as civilians or pretend to be ‘civilian police’ or even hole up in a hospital. What ever is necessary to maintain presence, power and survive the Israeli operations to eliminate them.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Ongoing search and destroy operations throughout Gaza. Reports of more mass surrenders of Hamas and affiliated fighters. Also more reports of Hamas popping back up in N Gaza into areas previously cleared by IDF.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Continued strike/counter strike actions along the Lebanese border. Israel does continue to target significant Hezbollah targets such as ammo facilities and command/control centers as part of its retaliatory strikes.

Reuters: The Israeli army says it bombed Hezbollah air defense systems in the Lebanese Bekaa. This follows an shooting down of an Israeli drone.

A series of Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanon has targeted the area of Sahl al-Adous near Baalbek. Massive secondary explosions being reported.

Israeli Defense Minister - “We plan to increase the intensity of fire against Lebanese Hezbollah”

———WEST BANK——————————-

Arrests continue in numerous cities in the West Bank. Associated with those raids, clashes break out between arabs and Israeli security forces.

Palestinian PM Shtayyeh presents resignation of his government to President Abbas.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations across Gaza. Fighting to continue to be locally intense across all Gaza as Hamas and affiliate cells are discovered and neutralized as well as of the couple hundred miles of tunnels are uncovered and destroyed.

The recent US/UK airstrikes against the Houthi have created a delay in their attacks. However, it is foolish to think they will last long and that more air strikes need to be conducted in a more continuous manner. Expect to see Houthi ramping back up their attacks in the next day or so.

Unusual quiet on the other end of the ‘resistance’ as attacks on US bases in Syria and Iraq have slowed way down.

Venezuela -

See “Illegals Immigration” above over refusal to receive any more deported Venezuelans.

Central / South America General-

Massive protests in São Paulo as Brazilians have had enough with their antisemitic President Lula. They are also calling for his impeachment in response to his authoritarian crackdown against human rights & freedom of speech. Yesterday’s protest is reported to be the largest one ever held there.

OBSERVATION - The Brazilian govt has taken a hard, leftist totalitarian turn, causing a great deal of growing civil strife.
things could get nasty in the short term.

232 posted on 02/26/2024 7:30:07 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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