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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO February 19 to 21, Trans guideline committee.
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

Thousands of tractors are blockading all of Paris as the French farmers are saying NO to climate policies. 15 000 police have been mobilized to stop the farmers from entering the city. Those police have encountered manure spreading equipment - with appropriate results. Taxi drivers and other business sectors such a truckers are joining in support. The 8 highways leading to the capital are blocked by hundreds of tractors for an indefinite period.
The reported goal of this stage of protests is to cut the city off from supplies for at least 3 days.

OBSERVATION - Farmer protests continue in multiple other counties in Europe. IMHO the WEF/globalist assault on farming/ranching all in the name of saving the planet from global warming is to create a famine that will be used to kill off useless biomass (humans) and control the survivors via control of the food. Govt attacks against agriculture are ramping up all around the globe, and not just in Europe.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Showdown in TX continues. The beacons of Gondor are lit ! !

No significant changes in the standoff. See “Illegal Immigration” below for recent poll numbers indicating substantial support by the citizens for TX and the actions it has taken.

IMHO, with the growing crisis against Iran, I don’t anticipate any aggressive actions by the regime against TX, mostly political posturing and more generally empty threats.

Pro-hamas protestors heckled pelosi outside her home in Kalifornia. She promptly responded by telling them to “go back to China”. She also demanded an investigation into whether Russia was behind the protests.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran.

CONTINUED WARNING - impending military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.

Federal authorities caught an Al-Shabaab terrorist at the U.S. southern border and released him into the country, where he roamed freely for nearly a year before being arrested in Minnesota just days ago.

The Terrorist Screening Center “deemed him a ‘mismatch’” after running his name through the terror watchlist, according to the memo, which was sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.
However, on January 18, 2024, the Terrorist Screening Center “made a redetermination” that the individual was “a confirmed member of al-Shabaab” and was involved in the use, manufacture or transport of explosives or firearms, the memo states. Two days later, ICE nabbed the al-Shabaab member in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

OBSERVATION - That gives a lot of time for organizing and coordinating terror cells. We cannot afford ‘administrative errors’ when facing the strong potential for a terror strike within our borders.

Two brothers who kept a “human sacrifice” hit list of cops, judges, politicians, celebrities and “banker scum” were nabbed with an arsenal of homemade bombs and ghost guns in their family’s Queens apartment, prosecutors said Monday.

Wannabe anarchists Andrew Hatziagelis, 39, and his 51-year-old brother, Angelo, were hit with a 130-count indictment after cops and federal agents seized a cache of weapons that included “improvised” explosive devices, body armor and a collection of AR-15-style and 9mm ghost guns.

The pair also allegedly scribbled “hit list” on a scrap of notebook paper that included a list of potential targets that also listed “corporate scum.”

OBSERVATION - No listing of political affiliation - common if the perps are considered to be leftists, for if they were associated with the right, that would be plastered all over the article. Buried in the article is the clue as to their political leanings - they possessed “anarchist-related propaganda”.

Two Canadians planned to conduct assassinations in the U.S. on behalf of Iran’s intelligence services, according to allegations in a newly unsealed indictment.
The suspects are accused of plotting to shoot a man and woman living in Maryland, one of them a defector from Iran.

The charges unsealed Monday by the U.S. Department of Justice include details of the alleged plot, including the sum the would-be killers had charged for the job: $350,000 US.

They were hired by an accused Iranian drug-dealer who operates on the instructions of a certain officer with Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, according to the U.S.

OBSERVATION - Iran prefers not to dirty their own hands in these matters - rather working thru ‘independent’ proxy organizations for these kinds of actions. Such ‘arrangement’ may also be in the works here in the US in actions related to the Gaza war and any US response to the recent targeting and deaths of three servicemen.


Upcoming dates of importance
- The Fed next meets on Jan. 30-31.

Speaking during an interview with ABC News Live over the weekend, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted prices aren’t going down, contradicting arguments repeatedly made by the Biden White House about easing inflation.

OBSERVATION - Inflation is transitory ….

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth slowed in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the advance estimate released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Real GDP, a measure of the nation’s economic growth, slowed to 3.3%, a significant decline from the previous quarter’s 4.9% growth.

Warning signs, such as persistent high inflation, continue to blunt analysts’ expectations, as Fox Business notes:

“However, there are signs that growth is finally beginning to slow in the face of tighter monetary policy.

“Job growth is moderating. The housing market, which is vulnerable to higher interest rates, is trapped in a prolonged downturn, and consumer spending has shown signs of cooling off.”

OBSERVATION - More signs that the economy is still sick, in spite of all the happy talk by govt economists.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and USS America (LHA-6) are all underway in the Philippine Sea.

The USS Eisenhower is still located operating in the Red Sea.

US military officials last month stated that a ‘small number’ of US personnel were in Yemen assisting in the fight against ISIS. Now, pentagon vigorously denies the report.


Dates of importance
Feb 8 - The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on the Colorado case.
March - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries

Ronna Romney may announce her resignation at the RNC Winter Meeting in Nevada this week. She is reportedly planning to announce her resignation in Nevada this week to sell her $10 million credit line idea to the 168 RNC members as a way to save face with the Trump campaign by telling them she officially plans to step down AFTER the July 2024 RNC convention in Wisconsin.

OBSERVATION - She wants to buy herself 5 extra months of time. She has almost single handedly destroyed the RNC’s political machine during her tenure. She needs to go now as there will be precious little time after the RNC convention to put the machine back together for the election - obviously her desire to cripple it on the way out.

Jake Sullivan, Sep. 2023: “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

Antony Blinken, Jan. 2024: “We have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we are facing now across the region since at least 1973.”

OBSERVATION - The dumpster fire in two short quotes that are within 4 months of each other.

Dozens of US government workers will stage a one-day hunger strike to protest the Biden’s administration support for Israel amid the war with Hamas.
Members of Feds United for Peace told The Guardian that employees from over two dozen government agencies – including the Departments of Defense and State – plan on a day of fasting on Thursday.

The officials participating will show up at work either dressed in black or wearing ‘keffiyeh scarves or other symbols of Palestinian solidarity.’

OBSERVATION - More internal fighting in the regime.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reportedly remains interested in launching a 2024 presidential bid on a “No Labels” ticket if President Joe Biden, 81, has a “health scare.”

If he enters the race, Manchin would siphon votes from Biden, potentially dooming the president’s reelection campaign.
Democrats have raised concerns for months about Biden’s 2024 chances due to poor polling about his age and physical stamina:

- Redfield & Wilton Strategies: A majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability
- YouGov: Fifty-five percent say Biden’s health and age “severely” limit his ability to do the job.
- NBC News: Most registered voters have “major” concerns about Biden’s age and health.

The No Labels ticket, an establishment bipartisan group, set a mid-March deadline around Super Tuesday for Manchin to decide on a presidential run.

OBSERVATION - This would be the death knell for biden should Manchin step in third party. Expect the powers that be to do all to stop that. Manchin also faces the strong likelihood of losing his seat this fall to a republican, so a presidential run wouldn’t be that bad for him.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Dates to watch -
March 7 - State of the union


biden repeatedly to have made his decision on actions towards Iran over night.

Illegal Immigration –

See CW2 on Texas standoff.


In the ongoing battle between Texas and the Biden administration to defend our Southern border against invasion, more than two-thirds (69 percent) side with Texas.

“Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Likely U.S. Voters support Texas erecting barriers at the border to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing, including 53% who Strongly Support the action,” writes Rasmussen Reports. “Only 27% oppose Texas taking action to prevent illegal immigration[.]”

The internals are fascinating… On this question, a 51 percent majority of black voters side with Texas, while only 32 percent of black voters disagree. Two-thirds of Independents (66 percent) side with Texas, while only 29 percent disagree.

OBSERVATION - I believe that I mentioned polling that indicated that the illegal dumpster fire has passed the economy as the top concern of the citizenry going into the presidential elections. This poll clearly reflects that level of shift, especially the level of support for TX’s actions. Only hard core leftist idealism would strike out at TX at this stage of the election cycle to see those voters leave biden for a probable Trump.

China –

China is deploying multiple warships around the clock in waters near the borders of the air defense identification zone that it has unilaterally established, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.

China’s move shows that it is a pressing issue for the Japanese government to take action to deal with Beijing’s attempt to change the status quo by force. China’s ADIZ, established in November 2013, overlaps with Japan’s and includes the Senkaku Islands, over which China claims sovereignty.

China started deploying at least three navy warships around the clock in waters around its claimed ADIZ, according to Japanese government sources.

The three include an air defense missile destroyer, which is the Chinese version of an Aegis-equipped destroyer, and a frigate warship. Equipped with high-performance radar, air defense missile destroyers are highly capable of shooting down aircraft.

Most recently, China’s coast guard says its officers ordered a Japanese fishing vessel and several patrol ships in waters surrounding tiny Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea to leave.

China’s coast guard said Saturday its officers ordered a Japanese fishing vessel and several patrol ships to leave waters surrounding tiny Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea. It marked the latest incident pointing to lingering tensions between the sides.

OBSERVATION - China has broader territorial goals beyond Taiwan in the western Pacific region. By using a combination of it regular navy, coast guard and militarized civilian merchant fleet, they move into an area and stake their claim, using various levels of force to deter the recognized owners of the region access. This tactic is on going against the Philippines.

The Senkakus Islands lie between Taiwan and Okinawa, 330 kilometers (205 miles) off the Chinese coast. Following World War II, they were administered by the United States and returned to Japanese sovereignty in 1972.

Japan –

See China above on incursions.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Jan 1, 2024

With the end of the Ukraine summer offensive and the ongoing winter mud season, Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Russia maintains it attacks to take Avdiivka, even in the face of huge losses. Russia continues to launch smaller attacks daily across the front lines.

Russian has been shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones with the likelihood of attempting to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2023. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. In the last half of 2023, Ukraine was able to take out about 20% of the fleet.

While Russia has reportedly about 400K of soldiers in the theater, all evidence indicates that they are poorly trained and equipped. Russian forces are increasingly having to rely on 50’s and 60’s vintage tanks, APCs and other vehicles. Russian large assaults continue to be what are referred to as ‘meat’ attacks - throwing large numbers of lightly armed, foot troops at Ukraine defenses in hopes of overwhelming them. These tactics ‘worked’ at Bakhmut but there Russia still had a superiority in artillery support. Concerted efforts by Ukraine to locate and destroy Russian artillery, combined with wear and tear taking systems out and poor/no ammo has generally caused Russia to lose the edge in artillery firepower.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.

Russia is believed to be trying to muster a force for a winter offensive, once the soils freeze up and permit cross country maneuver. Focus of such an offensive has not solidified but the most likely candidate for one front is the continued attempt to eliminate the salient at Adviivka.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-30 range with scattered snow and rain.

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Weather continues to dominate action on the ground. However, temperatures are reaching levels around Ukraine that are starting to freeze the ground locally, meaning that ground operations may have their tempo increase over the coming days/weeks.

Russia attacked with 35 shahed drones overnight of which 15 were shot down. Most of them were aimed at front line infrastructure and military facilities were there are fewer air defenses capable against drones.

Ukrainian air defenses shot down a Russian Su-34 jet over Luhansk Oblast on Jan. 29, according to Andrii Kovalev, a spokesperson for the General Staff, on Jan. 30.

Outlook —

Weather and mud conditions are continuing to dictate ground operations, which are at a low level due to lack of maneuverability cross country and on dirt roads due to the mud.

The loss of even one Su -34 is devastating to Russia given that they have so few operable aircraft of that model to begin with.


Key overnight developments -

- UNRWA scandal grows worse

- Fighting increases in N Gaza

- Israeli security forces raid kills three Hamas affiliated terrorists operating out of the Sina Hospital in Jenin

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 136 being held hostage in Gaza.

Reuters with reference to Israel dossier reports that 190 UN staff in Gaza involved in Hamas attack.

Intelligence reports suggest that ten percent of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) employees have ties to Islamist militant groups, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. The New York Times had reported earlier on reports that the agency employed at least 10 Hamas members, among whom were a school counselor who worked with his son to kidnap an Israeli woman and a social worker who distributed ammunition.

Biden administration reportedly exploring the possibility of leveraging arms shipments to Israel to place pressure on Netanyahu to scale back the war against Hamas

Biden has been ambivalent about Israel’s quest to destroy Hamas since the outset of the IDF’s offensive in Gaza. While pledging to maintain military support for Jerusalem, Biden and his officials have adopted an increasingly critical attitude towards Israel, questioning both its military tactics and Netanyahu’s war aims.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeated Washington’s view that a two-state solution was the best solution to the conflict, arguing that, without a “pathway to a Palestinian state” Israel would not “get genuine security”.

The deepening rift between Biden and Netanyahu was clearly evident during the latest exchange between the two leaders, the first time they had made contact in four weeks. While Netanyahu again voiced his opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state in their 30-40-minute call last Friday, Biden focused on reaffirming his commitment to work toward helping the Palestinians move toward statehood.

Gaston Inst via -

OBSERVATION - the regime has been the most hostile towards Israel in decades, only supporting Israel due to the overall support by Americans. Both he and 0bama sought to cast Netanyahu off into outer darkness, but he continues to be the major presence in Israeli politics.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

The IDF directed Air Force fighter jets in destroying rocket launchers that were used to fire a barrage into central Israel on Monday, as well as eliminating terrorist cells in various parts of the Gaza Strip, it announced on Tuesday.

The IDF also announced that its troops destroyed a military asset belonging to Hamas’ Anti-Tank Missile Unit.

The IDF will begin reinforcing its positions in the northern Gaza Strip, according to IDF Radio on Monday morning.
The radio announcement came amid concerns that Hamas has begun to renew its presence in the area, following the drawing down of IDF troops announced at the beginning of January.
The IDF is expected to carry out several brigade-level operations to prevent the reestablishment of an organized Hamas presence in the northern Gaza Strip.
The timing of the announcement appears to be related to a rocket launch from northern Gaza toward Ashkelon on Sunday afternoon, the first in a month, as well as reports of fighting on the beach west of Gaza City.

The IDF estimates that about 2,000 Hamas terrorists remain in the northern Gaza Strip. The Hamas operatives are believed to be disconnected from senior Hamas leaders in the southern Strip. However, a local commander, Izz a-Din al-Haddad, is believed to be behind the recent activity against IDF soldiers in the northern Strip.


IDF is said to have broken into a major Hamas HQ in Khan Younis, including the office of Hamas head Sinwar. IDF troops are advancing rapidly through the tunnel maze.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Continued exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and IDF along the border.

Israeli paratroopers and combat engineering troops over the weekend simulated a full-scale war on the northern border with Lebanon-based Hezbollah forces , while continuing the war against Hamas in Gaza.
The deputy commander of the IDF’s 226th Brigade emphasized that the military was ready for all-out war with the Iranian-backed terrorist group in Lebanon, despite harsh winter conditions in the north.

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Initial reports the airstrike conducted yesterday in Damascus, Syria targeted the HQ belonging to IRGC Advisors in Syria.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Continued Israeli security forces operations to arrest Hamas and affiliated terrorists

IDF special forces overnight reportedly secretly entered the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin with silenced weapons & assassinated three militants, including two high-ranking commanders, one of which is a founder of the Jenin Brigades & the other a leader of Hamas in Jenin. The terrorists were reportedly planning an October 7-inspired terror attack.

Israeli security forces stated that for a long time, a large number of wanted persons had been hiding in hospitals and were using them as a base for planning terror attacks and carrying them out, and that they believed that the hospitals would serve as protection against Israeli security forces.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

The drone attack on Tower 22 in Jordan was 1 of 4 attacks claimed by the Iran-backed The Islamic Resistance in Iraq. The latest US tally confirms a 2nd drone attack around the same time on AlTanf garrison in NE Syria with no damage or injuries.

The number of troops injured in the Jordan base attack is now more than 40, the Pentagon says.

US forces in the Middle East have now been attacked at least 165 times since mid-October, per a US military official. This includes Friday’s attack on Tower 22 in Jordan that killed 3 US troops and injured dozens more.

A U.S. official confirmed to Fox News the drone from an Iranian proxy that killed 3 American service members in Jordan and injured others got past the air defenses for Tower 22 because it was mistaken for a U.S. drone expected to return to the base at the same time.

The Wall Street Journal initially reported on this development on Monday. A U.S. official confirmed the information to Fox News.

A U.S. official told Fox News that the American drone and the attacking one were “in the vicinity” of one another.

Biden was reportedly to have given the ‘go’ for retaliatory strikes against Iranian sponsored militia groups and even Iranian forces themselves overnight.

———INTERNATIONAL ——————————-

French Foreign Ministry - “We strongly condemn the attack that targeted U.S soldiers on the Syrian-Jordanian border.”

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations across Gaza. Fighting to continue to be intense in central and S Gaza while N Gaza levels are dropping fast.

Speculation - Upcoming retaliatory strikes by the U.S. are expected to be more powerful and will be aimed at deterring other attacks. Once the go-ahead is given, the operation will take a couple of days to execute and will likely consist of multiple waves.

An U.S. official to CNN stated that “nothing is being taken off the table”:

- Strike Iran-allied bases and commanders
This is the most obvious choice and one that has been used in the past.
- Striking Iranian personnel in Iraq.
- Striking Iranian personnel in Syria.
- Striking Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf.

It is possible that the U.S. is currently weighing the option of striking the Iranian spy ship (BEHSHAD) that is operated by the IRGC. It is widely believed that it is directing Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

If biden made the decision overnight, it could take up to several days to get the assets together for a military strike. It has to cause serious hurt to Iran and its assets, else it will only encourage more attacks.

Iran – Potential war with US developing.

Iranian Air Defense assets are reportedly on high alert status.

Mexico -

(AP) — Mexico wants an urgent investigation into how U.S. military-grade weapons are increasingly being found in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, Mexico’s top diplomat said Monday.

Mexico’s army is finding belt-fed machine guns, rocket launchers and grenades that are not sold for civilian use in the United States.

“The (Mexican) Defense Department has warned the United States about weapons entering Mexico that are for the exclusive use of the U.S. army,” Foreign Relations Secretary Alicia Bárcena said. “It is very urgent that an investigation into this be carried out.”

OBSERVATION - Since these are prohibited weapons in the US, there are multiple others sources. The biggest that comes to mind is the Taliban who took control of a ton of these weapons. Another source could be corrupt sources in Ukraine - historically very corrupt when it comes to these kinds of matters.

Misc of Note –

Massive Fire erupted after a large explosion at Feather Crest Farm Chicken Plant in Bryan, Texas. The plant is a total loss.

OBSERVATION - Talk is rising again that this is part of a concerted effort to destroy our food processing capabilities. I’m not convinced yet - no background/base data to compare against.

140 posted on 01/30/2024 6:47:38 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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To: Godzilla
The reported goal of this stage of protests is to cut the city off from supplies for at least 3 days.

Only a foretaste of what they'll experience if the government shuts down farming.

141 posted on 01/30/2024 8:21:03 AM PST by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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To: Godzilla
Mexico wants an urgent investigation into how U.S. military-grade weapons are increasingly being found in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, Mexico’s top diplomat said Monday.

Nothing is stopping them. What are they waiting for?

Just go ahead and do it.

142 posted on 01/30/2024 8:22:14 AM PST by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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To: Godzilla
IDF special forces overnight reportedly secretly entered the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin with silenced weapons & assassinated three militants, including two high-ranking commanders, one of which is a founder of the Jenin Brigades & the other a leader of Hamas in Jenin. The terrorists were reportedly planning an October 7-inspired terror attack.

Israeli security forces stated that for a long time, a large number of wanted persons had been hiding in hospitals and were using them as a base for planning terror attacks and carrying them out, and that they believed that the hospitals would serve as protection against Israeli security forces.

Hamas believes the IDF would attempt to protect the innocent, ill, and vulnerable? Hamas is right. The IDF is morally and ethically superior. That said, Israel's also smart enough to figure out ways to protect the innocent while finding ways to kill the scum of the earth - even in hospital settings.

143 posted on 01/30/2024 12:28:07 PM PST by GOPJ (“POSIWID” systems engineer's acronym that stands for “the Purpose Of a System Is What It Does.”)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Abbreviated issue today, my day being OCBE - catch up more throughly tomorrow. Focusing on the current Iranian crisis.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to impending conflict with Iran.

CONTINUED WARNING - impending military action against Iranian assets for the attack that killed US forces in Jordan could result in Iranian terror groups here in the US to activate and conduct terror ops here. These attacks can range from infrastructure destruction (water, power, communications, etc) to mass casualty events (superbowl related attacks) or attacks on political candidates - heavily leaning against current administration but also Trump as well. So far the govt hasn’t come out with any warnings but the risk has increased significantly the last 24 hours, based on common sense and stated goals of the Islamist movement/Iran.

Iran – Potential war with US developing.

Yesterday’s news was epic in that it showed the incredible weakness of the US policy towards Iran and the weakness of the country in general. Based upon leaked messages between the US and Iran, basically the US told Iran that we are going to wack their hand and for them to please not hit us back. Iran pointed stated in return that any strike on Iranian territory will ignite war.

To add insult to injury, Kata’ib Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed group in Iraq and Syria who claimed responsibility for the drone attack has just announced a suspension in attacks against U.S. and Coalition Forces in the region in order to “avoid the embarrassment of the Iraqi Government.”

Speculation continues as to what the target set will actually turn out to be. It has been observed that additional air tankers have been moved into the region.

“Officials say plans call for the U.S. to launch a real bombing campaign, not just another round of one and done retaliatory strikes of the kind it has conducted so far,” CBS News reported. “Once it begins, the bombing is likely to continue for a number of days.”

The U.S. response may likely coincide with Dahe-ye Fajr (starting Feb. 1) as the Islamic Republic begins to mark the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

OBSERVATION - The biden regime is so paranoid about upsetting Iran that it seems that it has gone as far as seemingly asking PERMISSION to attack them for the deaths and injuries to US servicemen/women in the Jordan attack. Iran’s response shows to the arab world who is the boss in the current situation. Under previous presidents, the US maintained OPSEC on its planned attacks. Under biden it seems to be warn them so all we hit is sand dunes and empty buildings.

That said, the target set is still robust and perhaps biden is done being Mr nice guy - ok rather biden’s handlers are done. Choice and juicy target continues to be the Iranian naval assets in the Red Sea region believed to be passing targeting information to the Houthi’s. They are not on Iranian territory are they. Probably wishful thinking.

With all the eyes of the world watching to see what the US response will finally be, biden may go for being the ‘strong’ president theme to bolster his polling stats. A scary proposition as well. Until the bombs actually start to drop, we won’t really know what is operational concept for this action is going to be.

In their effort to avoid ‘war’ with Iran, they may very well step in it.

144 posted on 01/31/2024 8:20:12 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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