How does it go again? Buy high, sell low? I can’t remember, I better ask Kramer....
New investment strategy: Buy high, sell low.
“CNBC’s Jim Cramer...told his viewers to buy SVB stock back in February when it was at $320 a share, near the top of its historic value”
So how does he keep his job? My take is that he’s so good at making people do dumb things that the feds pay CNBC to keep him on the air. In this case, he likely got a few billion ‘invested’ in that horrible bank, thereby saving the government some money in their bailout.
Bottom line - he’s useful.
He’s always wrong.
On February 29, 2000 he urged his viewers to buy a bunch of tech startups and companies,
ten days before the NASDAQ began its two-year slide. Most of these companies did quite poorly during that lengthy tech crash.
People are idiots if they listen to him, but then again, greed has been known to cloud one’s judgment.
Yes, he should stop giving advice, but nobody nis being forced to take it
Kramer is very profitable trader for me.
I do opposite of what he recommends
I don’t know why anyone listens to this clown.
He’s the same fascist who wanted to put “unvaxxed” people into concentration camps.
Does anyone check the track record of these stock picking mavens? I know some do because I’ve read their reports and they aren’t at all flattering.
In the last 20 years the S&P 500 ETF has handily beat Cramer and all his efforts and his team by more than double both in absolute change in value and CAGR.
One hind cast test did the opposite of Cramer’s recommendations and beat him handily.
As for the general trend and value of stock picking Buffet famously bet a top hedge fun manager $1 million to their favorite charity that he could beat him over a 5 year or so period with just an S&P 500 ETF. He did beat him. Buffet actually took a small risk since for some 5 year periods the S&P was a bust but so was the market for pickers.
All boats move with the tide. When you move any one part of a yard stick you move both of the end points the same direction.
I’m waiting for the S&P to go down some more before buying.
Buy high, sell drunk...
The stronger Cramer is on a pick the more I stay away from it or bet against it. Alternative - just ignore him.
He’s a puppet it seems, being told what to say.
No one has to listen to Cramer, an effing moron in a league of his own.
He's like "The $1.98 Beauty Contest" of financial advisers.
Why anyone listens Cramer is a mystery. As to SVB, he did not know what he was talking about. Their balance sheet was badly out of alignment as to liquidity. They were using long term assets to support short term liabilities in trying to boost profit not safety. The bank examiners never should have let them get away with it.
I don’t know much, but what I do know is if any Democrat promotes ANYTHING, it’s a scam and should be avoided at all costs...
Wise investors always do the opposite of what Jim Cramer says.
Cramer’s a clown. Entertainment only. Stock advice? Yah. For morons.
Mebe thats why his show is called MadMoney.
You have to be nuts to follow his advice
Jim, please endorse the democrat party vociferously! The world needs you! It is your time of destiny!