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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

Globalism / Great Reset –

More COP28 snippets -

Though massive contributors of carbon dioxide, China and India demand to be exempted from any cuts in their coal plants and in stead actually want to be recipients of funding from the multi trillion dollar “loss and damage fund”
Instead of being forced to contribute to the fund, China and India, argue their high levels of emissions are a recent development when compared to the historic emissions of developed countries like the US and the UK.

OBSERVATION - This stance not to reduce has been the cornerstone of China and India for a considerable time now, and doesn’t look to change any time soon. Both China and India are facing serious economic issues and to suddenly shift their economy from reliable coal power to unreliable solar/wind would be devastating - as the US and the rest of the world is just starting to find out. This makes the COP another joke.

New Prime Minister of Slovakia Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
Prime Minister Robert Fico calls the WHO Pandemic Treaty “nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies.”
He also said, “One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines.”

OBSERVATION - This is another of the countries that has woken up to the threat posed by the WHO treaty. As the number grows, implementation of the ‘treaty’s’ enforcement clauses become more difficult. However, with the big countries and the EU supporting it, Slovakia may be forced to capitulate to a degree as the treaty modification will not be made to allow any dissent.

Economy –

Continued mixed signals from economic forecasters of major investment firms. Most note that the economy is in uncharted waters, still suffering aftershocks from the wuhan shut down, inflation and the record rate hikes by the fed. The tea leaves in some instances bring hope, but only if govt doesn’t screw things up further.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Antisemitic mobs of pro-Palestinian protesters are increasingly seeking out and targeting Jewish owned/operated businesses in the US (concentrated in major cities) for protests and vandalism. They are often very threatening for follow on violence against the business owners as well as customers. So far law enforcement has taken very little action against these threats.

“The resurgence of public protests in support of Hamas has revealed a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd’s death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause. Whether by coincidence or design, these recent outbursts could be a dress rehearsal for possible violence during next year’s election campaign.”

“Progressives are restless and ready. Left-wing activists have established a constellation of institutions to support public demonstrations. Protest NGOs, media entities, research centers, black-bloc (Antifa) networks, and bail funds are all finely tuned to mobilize mass movements. The Left carefully manages its licit and illicit factions: progressive political leaders tacitly delegate the dirty work to anarchist and racialist factions, which can change costumes—for example, from a BLM mask to a Palestinian keffiyeh—at any moment.”

OBSERVATION - I’ve noted that the violent left has finally found its cause in the pro-hamas protest efforts. As the article accurately notes and has been reported during the 2020 riots, Antifa et al has developed a detailed operation to support its protests, and that has already been seen with the recent pro-hamas events.
One aspect that is different this year are the threats of violence directed towards the Democrat Nat’l convention in Chicago next year. I remember the last time riots were directed against the dem’s there - very ugly.

Overall, the level of violence could easily exceed that of the 2020 riots. The conditions are ripe for a perfect storm scenario.

Doomsday “prepping” is seeping into the mainstream as Americans of all ages and political persuasions are becoming increasingly worried ahead of the 2024 presidential election about the prospect of a civil war.

Hoarding food, water and weapons was once associated with libertarian extremists, but as a rematch between President Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, seems all but inevitable in 2024, prepping has become a bipartisan activity, according to a Monday USA Today report.

OBSERVATION - This trend really hit when the wuhan plandemic hit. Watching the events unroll in the people’s republic of kalifornia - seeing with well to do ‘bug out’ as well as watching the grocery rush (yes, I just went to the stores in part just to see how people were reacting) was educational. On its heels, the massive BLM/Antifa rioting leading up to the election drove many, both on the right and left, to arm up as well.

This year with the potential pro-hamas rooted riot potential combined with a ‘white lung syndrome’ epidemic with some calling for wuhan like lockdown/shut down, 2024 may be the worst year our generation has experienced ever.

However, the prepping is just another gauge of public sentiment in regards to a potential civil war and massive political and ethnic uprisings.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics – HEIGHTENED ALERT STATUS

The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:

“Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”
Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

With all the new info coming out on the DNA contamination in the mRNA jabs, the FDA has essentially shut down further outside inquires.

OBSERVATION - This silence is not to last long as FOIA demands and lawsuits will breach the FDA’s defenses. At the very least, the FDA’s allowance of Pfizer to go forward is a serious lapse of regulatory practice. At the very worst, it is conspiracy to place a deadly concoction on the market where the jabs were mandated on sections of the population.


A big driver of division has been seen in the democrat party is between pro and anti Israel factions (a driver for the potential of a ‘hot’ violence scenario this next year). There has been a similar split developing on the republican side as well, now being seen by a rise in the ‘both sides are wrong’ argument. Some of this split is derived from the ‘America First’ elements that want to withdraw from nearly all of the US’s foreign commitments and policies. Republican stance (and according to polls, independents) continues to be strongly supportive of Israel - far more than democrats. This broader support maybe what is preventing a more vitriol split in the republicans as currently demonstrated by democrats.

Going into 2024, this pro/anti split is so far hurting the democrats in that there are large elements of the anti-Israel/pro-Hamas faction threatening to sit out the election and not vote democrat unless support for Israel is stopped.

Biden / Harris Watch –

President Biden received a recurring payment of $1,380 from his son Hunter’s law firm beginning in late 2018 shortly after a bank money laundering officer warned that the same account was receiving millions of dollars in Chinese government-linked funds without “any services rendered.”

OBSERVATION - The evidence continues to pile up and the lack of cover up by the MSM seems to be more evidence of a movement to get biden to fade away from the 2024 election and permit a fresher face without the criminal luggage.
Regardless, biden will not face indictment or impeachment - the deep state wagons are being drawn tightly around him and hunter. Too much damage will hit the democrats in the 2024 election cycle if any serous prosecution - beside house hearings -occurs

Cyber attacks/warfare – HEIGHTENED ALERT

According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released yesterday, 20 out of 23 federal agencies failed to meet cyber incident tracking requirements required by law, and 17 of those agencies were not tracking cyber incidents at all.

OBSERVATION - incompetent or deliberate, our national computer networks are increasingly become more vulnerable.

Illegal Immigration –

The numbers of illegals coming from China has spiked by a couple orders of magnitude this year. Most are military aged males, well equipped when captured and highly disciplined.

OBSERVATION - Continued big red flags on this one.

China –

The Chinese military said that an American naval ship had ‘illegally intruded’ on Monday into waters near the Second Thomas Shoal, the site of a hot territorial dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.
A Chinese naval force was mobilized to track the USS Gabrielle Giffords during the operation, according to a statement from the People’s Liberation Army Southern Theater.

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said the ship ‘was conducting routine operations in international waters ... consistent with international law.’

North/South Korea –

NK’s more belligerent posture and actions are increasing concerns of a renewal of combat in the peninsula - not just if but when.

Kim’s sister slammed the US by saying NK is not afraid of a nation that cannot tell a woman from a man.

Japan –

Japan is in the process of building 24 new FFM (missile frigates – to be called the Mogami class). These are being procured in two batches of twelve each. Japan presently has only ten frigates.

OBSERVATION - Details about these new frigates show the japanese giving a lot of thought into the design and mult-roles for these vessels. They are to be very flexible and lethal.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Nov 12, 2023

Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Attacks to take Adviivka, located near occupied Donetsk has been their priority as well as further north. However, it is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine.

The Russian army has lost a considerable amount of armor/tanks and personnel in the fight to take Adviivka, causing that offensive to stall considerably and resort to “meat” attacks.

With the arrival of the muddy season, significant offensive actions by Russia are unlikely.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. With the onset of winter, it is believed that Russian is shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones for an effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as it did last year. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s recent attacks on ships in Crimean harbors has forced the majority of the fleet to redeploying out of Crimea and to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.


Armenian officials have declined to attend this month’s Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) meeting in Moscow. The CSTO is Russia’s central Asian equivalent of NATO. Armenian was stung this year because Russia and the CSTO did not intervene in their border war with Azerbaijan. Armenian officials have also floated the idea of leaving the CSTO. Armenia is not the only member of CSTO to run contra to Moscow - Kazakhstan too has had a falling out with them as well.

Kerch Bridge update –

Unconfirmed reports of Ukrainian drone attacks against the Kerch Bridge. Locals report considerable ADA activity. Unknown if there is any damage.

Economic Impact –

Loss of manpower in the war continues to affect Russian industry efforts to sustain the war effort as workers are being drained while at the same time production demands are rising.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temps in the 20-30 degree range with mostly cloudy conditions and more snow towards the end of the forecast period.

Unconfirmed reports that drones are attacking the Kersch Bridge. Reports of a lot of russian ADA activity.

Ukrainian air defense shot down 10 of 17 Shahed drones overnight.

Russian forces gained ground on the northern flank of the Adviivka salient.

Russian Ministry of Defense says 22 drones were shot down and 13 intercepted over Azov Sea and occupied Crimea. However, drones reportedly attacked oil base in Feodosiya and the Dzhankoy district, both in occupied Crimea overnight

An oil depot in occupied Luhansk was hit by Ukrainian drones last night.

Outlook —-
Weather and mud conditions are dictating operations. Most significant action continues to be the Adviivka area.


Key overnight developments -

- Ground operations is S Gaza continue to expand.

- IDF increasing pressures on remaining Hamas strongholds in the north.

GENERAL ——————————-

Unicef says there are “no safe zones” anywhere in Gaza, while the World Health Organization warns the situation gets “worse by the hour”
NOTE - These UN based and supported organization have received a lot of negative attention with the continued discovery of Hamas equipment of war being associated with their facilities or being aided by these personnel.

Dr. Renana Eitan , one of the physicians treating the freed hostages, states that survivors are suffering from an unprecedented level of “extremely severe psychological abuse” endured during captivity.
“I can tell you that on behalf of all the medical and psychological teams treating those who return, the mental states we encountered have no precedent in medical literature. We feel that we have to rewrite the textbooks of post-trauma,” Dr. Renana Eitan told “Sunday Night in America.”

“Those held captive were subject to starvation, to beating, to sexual abuse. They were being held in inhumane sanitary conditions. Extremely severe psychological abuse was inflicted on them, including separation from family members, separation of siblings, separation of children from their mothers. They were held in solitary confinement and spent long days in total darkness until they developed severe hallucinations,” Eitan claimed. “Children were forced to watch brutal videos. They were under constant threats by weapons and threats to harm them even after they were released. They refer to the forced use of psychiatric drugs and other substances.”

RELATED - Sources in Israel and D.C. are saying that Hamas refused to release the remaining women and girls to Israel in the last tranche because Hamas did not want the world to find out what had happened to these women while in Palestinian captivity. Had the world heard and/or seen the truth it would have been as shocking as October 7th itself.

OBSERVATION - This treatment is consistent with similar treatment of hostages in the past.

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

In N Gaza, the Israelis move to complete their encirclement of Jabaliya and also begin to encircle Shajaiya.

In S Gaza, reports of intense fighting between Hamas and IDF as Israeli forces push towards Khan Yunis. The Israeli push has cut off the central N-S refugee evacuation route, Israel has been broadcasting to Gazans to use the costal escape route . Reports suggest that the IAF airstrikes in S Gaza and in particularly around Khan Yunis were as intense as any seen in N Gaza overnight.

Hamas and affiliated managed to get several rocket launches off overnight, but as before, with fewer rockets and longer interval between barrages.

Israel is reportedly setting up large pumps on the coast that could be used to flood tunnels used by Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza and drive out fighters, according to a Wall Street Journal article.
In 2015, Egypt used seawater from the nearby Mediterranean to flood a network of hundreds of tunnels along its border with Gaza and end a flourishing smuggling trade.

The salt water would destroy electrical and other infrastructure as well as weaken the support walls, causing tunnel collapses.
Prior to the war, Hamas claimed that its tunnel network stretched 500km (310 miles).

Palestinian sources have leaked a video of high- ranking Hamas figures fleeing their stronghold in Khan Younis arriving at a Gazan Hospital while their security is seen shouting to the crowd not to film the event. One person identified was Senior Hamas leader, Nizar Awadallah, was caught on video arriving at a hospital severely wounded.
It has been rumored he later died from his wounds but that is still pending confirmation.

Situation map at the link below was made by . It depicts the initial stages of the IDF ground attack into S Gaza as well as operations in the north.


Continued harassing fire from Hezbollah positions in Lebanon with Israeli counter fire from artillery and air strikes.

The Israeli army says a “hostile” drone that entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon crashed near the northern community of Margaliot earlier today. It says sappers are examining the device

WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces continue to operate to capture Hamas and affiliated terrorists.


CENTCOM: At approximately 2:15 p.m. on Dec. 3, 15 122mm rockets originating in Iraq were fired at the U.S. base Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria. There were no injuries to personnel or damage to equipment.Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve located the point of origin with uncrewed ISR assets and passed the location to Iraqi Security Forces who moved to and investigated the site. A fuel truck modified to launch up to 20 rockets was located at the site

U.S. National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan stated today that the United States is currently attempting to Build a Maritime Task Force of Partner Nations to provide Protection to Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, as a result of recent Attacks by the Houthi Terrorist Organization in Yemen.

Calm now in the Yemeni Capital of Sanaa following what was claiming to have been the sound of at least 4 explosions in the city; the dause of the explosions and/or where they occurred is still not known.


Emir of the State of Qatar: We are constantly working to extend the truce, but it is not a substitute for a permanent ceasefire

The Turkish President: We must work to establish an independent Palestinian state

France imposes sanctions on Hamas Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel resumes the methodical elimination of Hamas forces throughout Gaza.

IDF ramps up the fight in S Gaza, they are having to tread a thin line because there are few areas for the civilians to go and Hamas will maximize them as shields.

Hamas PR continues to suffer from revelations on how they treated the hostages that were released and the cloud hangs over those remaining. Global pro-hamas protests have decreased in some intensity, particularly in Europe, in a push back from growing nationalist trends the protests have triggered.

Pressure is increasing IMHO on Egypt and Jordan to be pressure valves for refugees. Something like 22 arab nations and not a single one has openly announced that they’d take any refugees. They recognize the scorpion.

Venezuela - Increasing potential for war

“This referendum is binding and I abide by the decision of the people,” emphasized the head of state Maduro before the opinion matrix of international media that ignore the Venezuelan Constitution.
Maduro reiterates the ‘binding’ nature of the referendum on the Essequibo: “It is an overwhelming victory beyond any forecast”

OBSERVATION - Watching for any military build up by Venezuela as well as responses by other nations like Brazil. At this point Guyana does’t have the military forces necessary to fend off Venezuela by itself.

If Brazil enters in on the side of Guyana, Venezuela may have to be satisfied in the northern half of the disputed territory - where at least they could claim dominion over the new oilfields and place distance between it and any army supporting Guyana. But I’ve not seen any statement from Brazil in support of Guyana, only in its own territorial defense.

Armenia/Azerbaijan –

See Russia above on CSTO rejection.

722 posted on 12/05/2023 7:42:44 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; bitt; ...


723 posted on 12/05/2023 8:06:47 AM PST by bitt (<img src=' 'width=30%>)
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To: Godzilla
godzilla :" The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA,
which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm."

"For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines."

(My opinion) :
When the FDA/CDC/Pharma cabal receives up to 605 of its funding from Pharma,
you cannot expect an independent analysis of their drug and medication protocol.
They have a financial interest in medication sales and 'kick backs'- as well as patent rights.
They are already complicit, and have been 'bought off', clinical trials rely mostly on the clinical trial data provided by Pharma, itself.
The fox is already in charge of the hen house.

Even the alleged independent media have been bought off (!), the supposedly guardians of community safety.
Watch and count the number of Pharma medications that are paid advertizing on daily, evening, and late night television.

724 posted on 12/05/2023 8:42:46 AM PST by Tilted Irish Kilt
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To: Godzilla

“Those held captive were subject to starvation, to beating, to sexual abuse. They were being held in inhumane sanitary conditions. Extremely severe psychological abuse was inflicted on them, including separation from family members, separation of siblings, separation of children from their mothers. They were held in solitary confinement and spent long days in total darkness until they developed severe hallucinations,” Eitan claimed. “Children were forced to watch brutal videos. They were under constant threats by weapons and threats to harm them even after they were released. They refer to the forced use of psychiatric drugs and other substances.”

RELATED - Sources in Israel and D.C. are saying that Hamas refused to release the remaining women and girls to Israel in the last tranche because Hamas did not want the world to find out what had happened to these women while in Palestinian captivity. Had the world heard and/or seen the truth it would have been as shocking as October 7th itself.

If anyone feels ‘sympathy’ for the animals who did this to Israel ... and wants ‘peace’... All they have to understand is the people of Gaza could end the war tomorrow by turning in Hamas’ terrorists locations to Israeli intelligence, Then tell Israel where the hostages are being hidden and boom - the war ends. To assist them the people of GAZA could protest against Hamas. Carry baby coffins in the streets with protest signs saying Hamas animals tortured civilians, women, children and babies... and used sexual atrocities as weapons.

In the meantime the US needs to pass laws excluding anyone from GAZA from ever coming to the United States.

725 posted on 12/05/2023 10:56:18 AM PST by GOPJ (...President of the United States is a...controlled asset of the Chinese Communist Party. Sam Faddis)
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To: Godzilla
the Democrat Nat’l convention in Chicago next year. I remember the last time riots were directed against the dem’s there - very ugly.

I think at that time I was in High School, and the only thing I was concerned with was the pimple blossoming on my nose. Also very ugly. :)
726 posted on 12/05/2023 1:47:56 PM PST by Chani ( )
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To: Godzilla

Reality time - the countdown clock to the 2024 elections is now at 11 months. At current trends 2024 is building to be potentially worse than 2020. Buckle up folks.

Globalism / Great Reset –

COP28, featured a Tuesday discussion on sustainable yachting.

The discussion centered on finding “a variety of technical solutions developed to make the yachting experience more responsible and sustainable,” according to its official COP28 website. The event, titled “Responsible Yachting. Today & Tomorrow,” was moderated by Nico Rosberg, a yacht-owning former race car driver, and organized by Sunreef Yacht, a company that builds custom yachts and luxury vessels.

The discussion also included “a conversation about electric, hybrid and hydrogen propulsion, battery technology, plant-based composites, bottom paints, modern photovoltaics, sustainable interior finishing, water management, energy management (and) air conditioning,” according to the event’s COP28 website

OBSERVATION - Something worthy of the Babylon Bee.

A new draft of the controversial United Nations Cybercrime Treaty has only heightened concerns that the Treaty will criminalise expression and dissent, create extensive surveillance powers and facilitate cross-border repression.

The Cybercrime Treaty that is currently being negotiated by the United Nations has the potential to substantively reshape international criminal law and bolster cross-border police surveillance powers to access and share users’ data, implicating the human rights of billions of people worldwide.

Without a clearly defined scope and sufficient safeguards, the Treaty could endanger human rights – both online and offline – and repressive governments could abuse its provisions to criminalise online free speech. It could also threaten digital rights by legitimising intrusive investigations and unhindered law enforcement access to personal information.

OBSERVATION - Anyone catching the pattern here - increased censorship and surveillance. At a global level, this would permit the powers that be to sculpt public opinion globally and maintain the narrative - while jailing those speaking out against it.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Hundreds of pro-Palestine supporters marched to the Kalifornia Capitol on Tuesday, carrying flags and chanting messages of support for Gaza, but those demonstrators also had a different goal in mind.

They vocalized their anger and disappointment in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to move a scheduled public event online.

“He has chosen to keep it behind closed doors with select people only and not enjoy it with the public,” said Makeez Sawez, of Youth for Palestine and an organizer of Tuesday’s march. “Our goal was originally to come and have conversations and have the governor see us.”

OBSERVATION - Their goal was to remove the ‘enjoyment’ of the lighting. This, like other Christmas related events this season, are ‘soft’ targets for these protests designed to silence and intimidate the population.

In a Washington Post article, the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, wrote an op-ed effectively calling for President Trump to essentially be assassinated.

“[…] Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?

Will those who balked at resisting Trump when the risk was merely political oblivion suddenly discover their courage when the cost might be the ruin of oneself and one’s family?”

OBSERVATION - More increasing rhetoric preparing the public for an assassination attempt on Trump, and trying to build support for such an act. Kagan is a deep, deep state insider who’s opinion carries a lot of what the powers that be are thinking and planning.

FBI Director Chris Wray admitted to Sen. Josh Hawley that he has not fired anyone at the FBI’s Richmond office over the memo urging the FBI to investigate “radical traditional Catholics.” “You haven’t fired anybody,” Hawley, a Missouri Republican, said to Wray in a Senate hearing Tuesday. “In fact, what the House found …, you admonished them,” Hawley said. Mockingly, he added, “Oh I feel much better. They’ve been sent to bed without food.” “Do you have a problem with systemic bigotry against Catholics at the FBI?” Hawley also asked. Wray flatly responded, “No.”

OBSERVATION - The face of the deep state continues to unapologetically wage war on the citizens of the US.

In Texas, there is a growing secessionist movement, being organized under the Texas Nationalist Movement, which since 2005 has advocated for the Lone Star State to break away from the United States — a “TEXIT,” as they call it.

OBSERVATION - The secessionist effort has been going for some time now, first gaining my attention back in the 0bama years. Current efforts are a state wide referendum declaring such - a toothless but loud declaration of grievances with the deep state lead fed govt. It is thought by some that should biden totally lose it and resort to totalitarian measures Texas cold lead an exodus of red states in the midwest and Redoubt area in a secessionist styled revolt.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Tuesday that the terror threat facing the United States has reached unprecedented levels since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked Wray to describe the current “threat matrix” facing the United States at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“What I would say that is unique about the environment that we’re in right now in my career is that while there may have been times over the years where individual threats could have been higher here or there than where they may be right now, I’ve never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time,” the FBI director replied.

OBSERVATION - The FBI has been making this warning since the Gaza war began on Oct 7th.

On a very dark sided view, the regime could use ‘terrorism’ as a false flag to marshal in crackdown on the conservative, MAGA right - since so much effort has been made to demonize that portion of the population. I really hope I’m just getting too tinfoil here, but given the rhetoric of public officials, high profile progressives and the media, I can no longer rule out such an action in my preparations.


Drug shortages in the U.S. have hit a record high and lawmakers warn they could mean life or death for millions of patients. A House committee is investigating what Congress can do to the supply chain to make sure doctors don’t have to keep rationing essential drugs like cancer treatments.

OBSERVATION - Disruptions from the wuhan plandemic and the aftermath of having to rely on China for many of these drugs in an increasing hostile situation.

Today’s preliminary jobs report – the JOLTS or Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey – came in well below expectations this morning. It was considered a big miss, with job openings “falling dramatically.”

Job openings tumbled in October to their lowest in 2½ years, a sign the historically tight labor market could be loosening.

Employment openings totaled a seasonally adjusted 8.73 million for the month, a decline of 617,000, or 6.6%, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. The number was well below the 9.4 million estimate from Dow Jones and the lowest since March 2021.

OBSERVATION - They are spreading hopium


House Speaker Mike Johnson told fellow Republicans on Tuesday that sweeping changes to U.S. border policy would be their “hill to die on” in negotiations over President Joe Biden’s nearly $106 billion package for the wars in Ukraine and Israel and other security needs.

OBSERVATION - Republicans are carving out a substantial position on illegals, one that could well pull a sizable number of urban blacks and other minorities to the party in November as dissension over illegals usurping the entitlement class for resources increases.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden wants to effectively ban Christians from adopting children in the foster care system. Biden wants to essentially ban Christians from adopting foster care children based on their religious beliefs and opposition to radical LGBTQ ideology. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a new rule that would prohibit families who do not support LGBTQ ideology from caring for foster children.

OBSERVATION - On going culture war that will only help to increase the red-blue chasm.

China –

China’s military said Wednesday it sent fighter jets to monitor and warn a U.S. Navy patrol aircraft that flew over the sensitive Taiwan Strait, a mission that took place weeks before Taiwan holds elections.

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance plane, which is also used for anti-submarine missions, flew over the strait in international airspace.

Taiwan is gearing up for presidential and parliamentary elections on Jan. 13, which China has cast as a choice between war and peace.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Nov 12, 2023

Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Attacks to take Adviivka, located near occupied Donetsk has been their priority as well as further north. However, it is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine.

The Russian army has lost a considerable amount of armor/tanks and personnel in the fight to take Adviivka, causing that offensive to stall considerably and resort to “meat” attacks.

With the arrival of the muddy season, significant offensive actions by Russia are unlikely.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. With the onset of winter, it is believed that Russian is shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones for an effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as it did last year. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s recent attacks on ships in Crimean harbors has forced the majority of the fleet to redeploying out of Crimea and to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian signed an agreement to counter unilateral sanctions

Putin to Saudi Arabia to meet with officials there regarding oil production and prices.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temps in the 20-30 degree range with mostly cloudy conditions and more snow towards the end of the forecast period.

Ukrainian air defense shot down 41 of 48 Shahed drones overnight.

Ukraine launched strikes against Russian targets in Berdyansk, Mariupol and central Luhansk.

Finding out overnight that Ukraine targeted several key targets in the vicinity of the Kersch Bridge - a key one being a very important radar facility that provides early warning to a sizable area of southern Crimea.

Russia launched a series of ground assaults in the northeastern front opposite of Sumy. Most activity there in a while.

Outlook —-
Weather and mud conditions are dictating operations.
The last few days, Ukraine has conducted some critical attacks in Crimea. The most significant is taking out the Russian early warning radar system. Being rare in the Russian inventory, it will create a gap in the air defense early warning and tracking system. The goal may well be to open a window of attack towards the Kersch Bridge. Shutting the bridge down again as winter sets in and Russian capabilities already strained would significantly hurt forces. It could set up a renewed offensive in the south towards Crimea.


Key overnight developments -

- Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck 250 terror targets in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, including two rocket launchers used in Tuesday’s barrage on the Tel Aviv area.

- IDF preparing to flood Hamas terror tunnels with sea water.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the resident visa of the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for the Palestinian Territories, Lynn Hastings has been revoked due to her refusal to condemn Hamas and assist the Israeli Government; Hastings who lives in eastern Jerusalem has two weeks to leave Israel before she will be deported.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby says eight U.S. nationals still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza Strip

Osama Hamdan warns that future violence against Israel will be bigger than October 7. Osama Hamdan, a Beirut-based senior official of Hamas, made the statement during an interview last week with Lebanese media outlet Bel Moubashar Online, When the interviewer asked if the “war of liberation” would occur in the foreseeable future, Hamdan said “I do not think it is far off.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called out women’s groups and human rights groups on Tuesday over their silence about Hamas’ brutal, sadistic sexual violence against Israeli women.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

On Tuesday, Israel said its troops had reached “the heart of Khan Younis” - the largest southern city - on the “most intense” day of fighting in its ground operation.

According to Arab reports, IDF armored bulldozers were operating in eastern Khan Yunis. The bulldozers are directed to tear up roads to uncover IEDs and level buildings to expose Hamas terror tunnel shafts so as to provide clearance for ground troops. IDF forces are widening the salient into S Gaza towards Khan Yunis.

In N Gaza, IDF continues to systematically isolate and eliminate Hamas and affiliated terror groups, locate tunnels and munitions stockpiles. Fighting is intense at the Jabalia refugee camp and Shejaiya in northern Gaza
Hamas fired more rockets at Israel, but the numbers and intensity have once again been severely degraded.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Hezbollah/Hamas continued to fire ATGMs, mortars and rockets into N Israel and the IDF responded with artillery and airstrikes.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces continue to operate to capture Hamas and affiliated terrorists.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

Israeli Arrow anti-ballistic missile successfully took out a Houthi missile aimed at the southern regions of Israel.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel resumes the methodical elimination of Hamas forces throughout Gaza. Action in S Gaza at this stage appears to be focused on quickly isolating Hamas leadership in Khan Younis. Israel has taken out a plethora of Hamas’ leadership at multiple levels and this is very evident in the north where an organized resistance has failed to develop and the IDF is able to isolate and destroy groups.

Revelatons from the released hostages and the clearly exposed use of hospitals and the like for military bases has for now cooled supportive propaganda by global media. As noted in CW2 above, pro-Hamas protests are targeting soft targets like Christmas celebration events - but that is starting to cause loss of support.

Houthi’s will continue to be a problem child towards Red Sea shipping and will continue to be so as long as the war continues and the US fails to launch any punitive strikes.

Iran –

See new agreement with Russia under Russia above.

Venezuela - Increasing potential for war

Maduro has announce tonight that the Esequiba Region of Western Guyana is now “Official” a territory of Venezuela, with a state map being released with that change.

Maduro also said he will grant licenses for oil exploitation in the area disputed with Guyana.

Venezuelan military seen beginning construction of a new base camp near the Guyana border.

The president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, said on national television that the measures announced by Maduro tonight are an “imminent threat.” Says UN Secretary General and other leaders have been informed

President of Guyana warned of “defense cooperation with the US” if Maduro takes action in Essequibo.

OBSERVATION - There have been rumors elsewhere of potential US involvement with ground troops. In his recent address, Maduro designated political appointees to run the Esequiba state, with offices in Venezuela until the territory is seized.

Central / South America General-

Brazil has moved additional troops to the border of Guyana in anticipation of military action by Venezuela.

727 posted on 12/06/2023 7:59:01 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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